This post was actually written on 24 Nov, 2017, which I re-timestamped to insert at the start of this thread. It's also copied to post #171, the...
Lunch with the FT: Edward Snowden, the world’s most famous whistleblower "Edward Snowden has room service with Alan Rusbridger in a Moscow...
Benjamin Fulford: The Greatest Threat To Mankind Now Activated & Firing Nightly So I think the gloves are coming off on all of us in humanity, the...
I'm putting this in Targeted Individuals forum because most of my memories are in terrestrial areas and I've written this first post to get the alien...
62s3FinAoC0 ...
I did not know Osho had died. I have not extensively looked into his material but he did seem like someone with uncommon wisdom. Quite possible he...
I've often thought and felt to myself, even if I didn't always think or feel it at other times that one is only cursed if they believe themselves to...
Brazil - Minas Gerais Dams burst. Russia - Sinai Air Disaster India - ? China - Tianjin Port blast South Africa - ? Just a thought. Possibly
I have been cursed I would like to know if anyone knows a good healer that can remove real curses your help is appreciated
There is speculation that the spooks and nsa use license plates to communicate. This sounds extremely bizarre but I have had some interesting...
Hello Avalonians, I have chosen to share some old stories from my old blog ArtemesiaSpeaks, my targeted individual, Milabs, Eugenics Agenda and...
So buckle up , things look to be a bit bumpy if this is true. I think the powers that be (good guys) should be stepping up their game and just slit...
Super Soldiers This thread is an effort to understand the new phenomenon of content creators, many of which cannot prove anything, and tend to...
My plan to leave america has ultimately resulted in peace of mind, finally after three years and 4 months. My thoughts are my own, save the...
I wanted to start a thread about our dreams and nightmares as it is my opinion that some of these experiences do not originate in my mind alone but...
I believe I was designation a Targeted Individual (TI) prior to my birth. From noticing patterns throughout my life/episode I’ve realized I’m being...
So I am worried what has happened to Omni (Omnisense, Counter Darkness, Universal Aspects, Phillip Douglas Walker) 1. He is now a retired member...
Please move this to a suitable area as I wasn't sure where to put it. I worked with Angels for over ten years. I was deep in love and I was...
I am not a targeted individual, but I was wondering if anyone out there has any practical advice, or knows anything that would help those who are?
Hi everyone. This is actually a desperate plea to find a solution to what am going through. About remote neural monitoring. A brief on what...
The title suggests it all, would this be a common personnel perspective amongst other VH or TI's out there upon this forum, as I was under the...
I'm not even going to try to comment on this. I just thought it belonged here. The Practice of Ritual Defamation by Laird Wilcox ...
There’s more to the story of my beautiful, intelligent, deeply wounded friend described in Part I: During the worst of the smoke from all the...
It's awful horrible that Dolores O'Riordan passed at the young age of 46. I feel as if it is foul play, not just a alcohol related incident. What was...
Greetings All, For going on six years, I’ve been living out of my car in the desert in Death Valley and elsewhere. Living this way makes me fair...
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