Original Title: "Synthetic Biology and National Security: Risks and Opportunities (PART 1 of 2)" NtcVaSoXtWo Dr. Tara O'Toole MD (wiki) ...
There are several journalists who are doing some incredible work right now to expose the Wellcome Trust, and their associated program Wellcome Leap,...
#StopHumanCloning - New Donald Marshall Interview 2016 http://agarthanalliance.blogspot.com On Twitter you can see a lot of...
De-Classified #4 - The Greater Israel Kingdom Richard discusses the larger picture happening in Israel right now and some of the backstory from...
This article seems to belong in this section! https://tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20502877.2019.1667559 Why Human Enhancement is...
Post removed for safety reasons and lack of response. Thank you for your understanding. Update as of 6/6/2024 Re-posting the original version...
TOPICS: Glyphosate impacts and effects Changes in our food supply and the consequential domino effect on our health Innovations in food supply to...
We have heard about frogs being made gay. It seems that there are more gays, or is it that they feel freer to "come out" so to speak. No...
EctoLife is Like The Movie Gattaga Going For Real: oRSK4-P7R_Q 00:31 Scientists are developing artificial wombs, potentially replacing human...
by Jon Rappoport; NoMoreFakeNews.com Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda - Cure disease or alter humans? “Researchers say they’re well on...
"Situated only a stone’s throw from the major urban centers of New York City and Boston, Jesse Ventura and his Conspiracy Theory team make the...
Digitizing life This video presentation by Tore Maras is a must watch for everyone. I'm sure this has been shared elsewhere on Avalon but a...
This thread is for human and animal hybrids postings and findings, as well as any other similar chimera (a chimera being a human-animal hybrid). ...
Not really sure where to post this considering spirits don't really have genes... Engineered Spirits just is not specific enough! If people have...
Question: If nuclear bombs were detonated in the atmosphere, doesn't that mean that every single person on this planet, at the time, was radiated...
I would like to add to this sub-section of the forum the following excerpt from Svali's new blog "Svali Speaks Again", which deals with genetic...
Through the decades of my life I was not sure what to believe but now I finally do. The gods (let us make mankind in our image) of the Hebrews,...
I wish to share this revealing video: 9IBRzGSi6ao Kerry Cassidy is interviewed, and explains: 1 human origins 2 active ET factions 3 genetic...
The powers that are have a law that they have to let us know what they are doing and intend to do. Could it be more clear? even though they intend...
They 'say, who are they', that the economy depends on our NOT being told of cures that would make us healthy or cure some of our health issues. That...
https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-07-14-arrogance-of-science-has-doomed-humanity.html Mike Adams has a lot to say and knows what he is talking...
Scientists invent fast method for 'directed evolution' of molecules UNC School of Medicine scientists created a powerful new "directed evolution"...
I know we're not supposed to just throw links out without specifics, but this You Tube channel has so many relevant (for me) videos, I couldn't make...
Scientists Warn: Insects With Capacity to Perform Genetic Engineering in the Environment Could Be Easily Weaponized October 23, 2018...
Print Friendly or Save as PDF June 22nd, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World
David is in the US and in this video cast he takes us on a road trip to Silicon valley home of Google , facebook and many others giving a...
Scientists have created the first genetically modified embryo, then when finished with the fun research, killed it off. So, it appears ethics isnt...
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