I don't know if anyone has seen this video before. It was posted on 2012thebigpicture. Interesting theory. See what you think! frwBLtv3EN8
Hello Everybody I have done an analysis of the Earthquake that occurred on 1 Jan 2024 – just a few days ago in Japan. It would appear that it was...
I found it strange during the last week that the “Northern Lights” has been widespread and clearly visible in places that rarely experience them… ...
Hi everyone The YouTube channel dutchsinse, who is a master of Earthquake analysis and prediction, has caught a Direct Energy Weapon red handed,...
????????????????????????????????? WTF are all these fires and loss of homes meant to accomplish??? What does it matter to take out 1000's of...
https://www.infowars.com/posts/haarp-superweapon-still-being-used-for-geowarfare-romanian-general-claims/ (Natural News) A Romanian general...
Hey Ho Hi Ho! The drought that is devastating California has been weighing heavily on my mind the last few months, and I'm sure many members who...
Hello Friends, I would like to hear your opinions, and possible explanations for this. We have all seen this "dirty" rain, and the official msm...
RAPHAELLE O'NEIL: CLIMATE ENGINEERING 8/11/20 Project Camelot 268K subscribers "My guest Tuesday @ 7pm PT is Raphaelle O’Neil. She is the...
Hello Avalon, This video will soon be 7 years old, but seems to be just as relevant. I hope you enjoy it. ...
First Farrell points out in this article to the naysayers of geoengineering that an ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION CONVENTION took place in l976 where...
Folks, I live right in the path of the recent Hurricane Michael and we prepared for a devastating hurricane to hit here, and we were totally...
30mkxLR00wQ Subscribe: http://youtube.com/ChemTruthers Is climate engineering real? What does a former US Air Force 2 star major general have to...
Markab Algedi Jul 5, 2018 (dynamo says" more pics and tweets in the original article from here:...
New 2018 Climate GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary 'OVERCAST': AClt8BgXPpQ ~multiple trailers were made in 2016 it was not finished yet...
"El Nino And El Nina Are Complete Lies!!! California Drought Caused By Chemtrail Geoengineering And Nibiru Messing With Jet Stream!!!" Monday,...
The Paris Climate Accord is GENOCIDE Against Plants, Forests and All Life on Our Planet "The primary goal of the Paris Climate Accord — the...
The four videos posted below were mounted by Rev. Michelle Hopkins. They are placed in reverse order since the last one, number 3, tells that the...
Global Ice Age Being Deliberately Triggered by NWO for World Genocide While Elite Repopulate From Underground and from Mars. ...
Anyone feel that?
"The idea of using technology to trigger of earthquakes and other weather weapons seems inconceivable to those who are not paying attention or are...
"I've looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It's cloud illusions I recall I really don't know clouds at all"...
Hail half the size of golf balls falling in Barstow Ca. in 92 degree temps.
Air Force Colonel Warns About Mass ATMOSPHERIC SPRAYING! GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails HEgbyMBZE1c
FUyJS4VrsGk Source: systemchangenotclimatechange.org
Hi Everyone, I really wasn't sure where to place this one so will start with it here. In going through the Videos from Keshe I learned something...
znaTirqLIds https://youtube.com/watch?v=znaTirqLIds I wonder if SO will address this.
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