We've got threads with "Gates" in the title, and I think we should have one focused on Fauci too. Though he's not as wealthy as Gates, he's...
There are already a few threads about this, as it's a topic that's always hovering in the dark shadows like a vampire in a 1930s movie. :) But...
The Sarco Suicide Pods are back in the news. An American woman is believed to be the first user of the device. It looks like a flip phone, computer...
Just came across this.. . https://tuzarapost.substack.com/p/whistleblower-bill-gates-and-melinda
"We All Need To Be Ready" - Elon Musk GREATEST WARNING (2021) Population Collapse: ZqnlKHfe78U We are NOT "overpopulated" for so many...
Hi. I'm very curious to hear what some of the more science/math-minded members think about this, specifically the watts used and the accuracy of the...
The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness October 1917, Dornach Switzerland In the October of 1917, World War I entered its fourth year, the Russian...
Cult Of The Medics - Trailer v1gv2o7/?pub=1yatds
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic...
... ... it's already here: humans are turned into A.I. Apps for "Looshing": Technical Presentation: WBAN on a 6gloPAN and your...
Bill & Melinda Gates April 29, 2018 Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 Million people and we're not ready...
if Depopulation is true then why they banned on sustain help for people who want to die? free to live and not free to die? it's individuals freedom...
I'm looking for examples from books, TV and Film that contain ideas that later manifested in our reality. Two examples to give you the idea. ...
A Great! interview with Simon Elmer of who I've never heard of before unfortunately. There are so many subjects woven into this conversation so...
This urgent information should be shared as an education to those people, young and old, who may wonder why is there world in this state. They need...
Does anyone really know the truth about non-humans here on Earth? We have had experts talk about abductions and encounters with what could be...
The movie claims that million of woman have been sterilized through the clot shot. Its horrible. video link. ...
Ruthless bird flu!... guess they're gonna be "vaccinating" the birds next??? Eggs is in everything.. cakes.. pancakes.. sweets.. and even animal food...
This Is What The DNA Swab Collection Swabs And 5G Is For!! Very interesting video about how our thoughts, emotions and perceptions will soon be...
It is very likely that if/when the globalists realize they have failed they will quickly go into hiding and escape punishment. They should not be...
Ethnic-Specific Weapons: Leaked Documents Reveal US Diplomats in Georgia Trafficking Human Blood And Pathogens For Pentagon Biowarfare Laboratory ...
Third eye --- pineal gland--- When I woke up a long time ago I found that we humans have been used, exploited, and dumbed down for most of our...
From James Corbett of the Corbett Report Interview - Dr. J. Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery Posted: 23 Aug 2015 11:59 PM...
While many people are aware of the beagles that were tortured in Tunisian laboratories, the experiments done on children at Incarnation Children’s...
Planned Parenthood isn’t just about abortion. It’s about population control and eugenics, and it always has been. Margaret Sanger, founder of the...
- specific to the Population Control theme of this sub-forum. Here's a heads-up ahead of this film's release, currently in pre-production. ...
I do it again ...sniffs! a click to far... and opened a can of worms... but there are healthy worms ... Summary The masks begin to fall...
I really believe that it is inevitable that the population will be culled in some manner. The question is WHEN? There are clearly preparations made...
(With thanks to Jon Rappoport for raising this in an earlier blogpost) ___________________ Source: Gene Drive Files Overview - 175MB ZIP...
Tetanus Vaccines Sterilizing Women In Kenya? Catholic Church There Raises Suspicions Posted on: Thursday, March 27th 2014 at 8:30 am Written...
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