With the alignment of the planets on 12/21 and we are moving out of the solar minimum, are we going to see an uptick in earth changes? We just had a...
There's plenty of voices online that see signs of impending global changes. What's interesting about Christian Kohlert's approach is how he's tied...
Does anyone know of any websites that track the Schumann Resonance? I keep reading that it's speeding up but would love to see some actual evidence...
https://youtu.be/_2ImAg8FUcc _2ImAg8FUcc
There are the usual alerts available that now September is of interest (like the date of of 2012) for the end of world as we know it. People are...
I've been watching Suspicious Observers for some time now. My background in geography, geology, climatology and meteorology draws me to channels...
This is Ben's latest summary video, worthy of your time IMHO ihwoIlxHI3Q
A very interesting 45 min. documentary about how Sahara was once green. When The Sahara Desert Was Green - Science Documentary 2017
Mods, I started this thread over here as I think this will be part of the earth changes and to get if off news and updates, I think there will be...
I posted this on another tread here: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?111778-Trump-s-Assassination-Attempts. It was a bit off topic and...
Earth Updates-2010 Craig has asked me to keep this up to date... Up to date earth reports carried on from here... ...
A free for all open discussion. We will doubtlessly get some fabulous collective insights. Your ship can be a longship or a raft or a cruise...
Hello, Everyone: this is a sequel thread to wnlight's earlier one here: World-Wide City Population Changes by End of 2019 If you've not seen...
I have just created a new video presentation showing how the ancient calendar systems of the Maya and the Aztecs were used to target a very...
Dear Avalonians, I would like to report what happenned here this week in Uruguay and South Brazil. The phenomenon is called Dry Tide and consists...
Hi all, Just an offering of a recent event and potential for other things of a similar nature increasing going forth. This is offered as a chance...
This is Keisha ~ Little Grandmother speaking from Zurich, the Native Americans contacted her to tell her she must now tell the world her wisdom and...
I found this video published back in 2014. Maybe the ball has already started rolling with Soros being hacked. The video from Sirius/Rob Potter...
Rivers and lakes mysteriously disappearing increase around the world By Strange Sounds...
It's "the corporate people" installing pipes that suck the public water sheds nationally dry. Same stuff the global companies did in other...
It seems that the Pacific tectonic plate might split in two - at around 8 to 12 degrees South. What have you heard? What do you think? Such an...
I've never really bought into the idea of earth quake sensitivity, but during this last week both I & a colleague of mine (who is the nearest thing...
Satellite images taken by NASA in August 2014 revealed that for the first time in modern history the eastern basin of the Aral Sea had completely...
Im troubled in writing this topic...and I dont think I will be able to articulate my thoughts complety, but its pressing on me to talk about it so I...
Z6bE5uvSA9s This guy is considered the "Tesla" of our generation. He worked with Bell Labs.
i haven't gone through this article yet but will do soon. Seems to be supporting Simon Atkins' predictions. Its good news anyway. Yes, its in5d'...
DDTN9N1essw I created the video myself. Is it credible enough for you to share it anywhere?
I would like to photograph the Lunar Eclipse April 4, 2015. I need advise as I have no idea how to capture it. Can someone suggest filter(s) to use...
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