Other than 9/11, I'd think the JFK assassination would be the grand daddy of conspiracy theories. There's an entire cottage industry out there for...
Opening this new thread for discussion on the JFK File and Trump's promise to release it. A number of posts have been moved from the Trump is Not the...
The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War I, leading to present day. Surprising...
JFK 60th Assassination Anniversary: JFK X: Solving the Crime of the Century REALITY CHECK 35.6K subscribers Nov 20, 2023 7pm CST "Ryder Lee...
The CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop....James gives his views on the upcoming release of JFK documents. Today as back then Russia relations were...
3NbQkyvbw18 https://bobdylan.lnk.to/MurderMostFoulTA (16:57) ______ Twas a dark day in Dallas, November '63 A day that will live on in...
This site: https://www.captainhindsight.space/ contains an argument that US transitions of power synchronise to movements of the planets amongst the...
Interesting interview here about the Tippit shooting. Gives some info to his background and also other possibilities to his shooter. Dave -...
Hello everyone. I have been feeling its not worth talking anymore. Not worth sharing or discussing anything out there. Not here. Just needed a...
I was a young girl of 24 yrs when JFK was assassinated, and like many I was shocked and saddened. But even at that age, like many others, I didn't...
The title reflects what I've understood for several years now. See this interview with Gianni Russo — which is truly extraordinary by just about...
I deleted it because it was a deleted thing that was temporary deleted Edit again: https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/release It is doing it is...
On November 24, 1963, I remember watching TV with my brother when we saw Lee Harvey Oswald shot on live TV. Accused of being the lone gunman in the...
I was 10, and remember something really bad happened. I was sent home from Catholic school , the nuns were crying, my Mom was crying. no cartoons...
This thread is an offshoot of my Miles Mathis thread which started out defending some major writers against the accusation of working for...
Here is an in depth unravelling of the whole thing from Sue Arrigo' s Case 25C: Case 25C The Vile Truth of the JFK Assassination The...
something I never understood about JFK and RFK. JFK was supposed to be for the common people, the working folks yet they both seemed to be at war...
Very interesting interview here connecting the dots for LBJ and the JFK assassination. Johnson was an evil man. Dave - Toronto
I recently discovered this 6 part documentary on You Tube from 2013. It has some clips from The Men Who Killed Kennedy as well as some other...
Folks, I think this warrants its own thread. A marvelous, two hour presentation, packed with detail: Jim Marrs at his very best. Ignore the video...
http://www.federaljack.com/col-l-fletcher-prouty-secret-team/ Posted to the Book Library also. how the USA arrived at our current situation. ...
Was Jack Ruby in a hypnotic trance when he went into Dallas police headquarters on November 24, 1963? There are numerous suggestions that Jack...
"Strange" and "Convenient" Deaths Surrounding the Assassination The Death Of Navy Medical Technician Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer:...
While serving as chief analyst of military records at the Assassination Records Review Board in 1997, Douglas Horne discovered that the Zapruder Film...
Movie length documentary with no commercial interruptions. A few seasons on the forum made me realize how aware/informed we are by sharing info...
Kennedy Assassination "Various types of belief can be implanted in many people after brain function has been deliberately disturbed by...
"This is the mindblowing 6-part video documentary series Evidence of Revision whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even...
I try not to be too dramatic in my subject titles, but I thought someone would have posted this by now. This is quite incredible stuff IMO. I...
I've long been intrigued by the so called 3 tramps. Seems to be varying opinions on their identities from Gus Abrams, Harold Doyle, and John...
After JFK was shot on November 22nd 1963 he was driven immediately 4 miles to Parkland Hospital. The doctor that just happened to be in the ER that...
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