Hi my friends! I thought this series had been posted on this forum, searched but no hit? Either way here is a newly released of part 4 from...
Cristian posted a great thread on Understanding Evil, and truth4me added a video on time travel presented by Philip Corso Jr. It led me immediately...
Hi everyone!! 1. What if the American people had stood their Ground in 1947 to tell the Government - General Ramey is WRONG - Roswell is REAL?!...
This footage was just published 16 Sep 2020, although originally The footage was recorded and edited by Nabil Shaban in 1996. Members of the...
A mysterious rock bearing a cryptic design was discovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 2004. Now coined "The Roswell Rock," this piece of stone is...
By Anthony Bragalia (Copyright 2021) May Be Reproduced With Permission and Attribution
Distraction, goofing off, or hint of possible future declassification? ...
Found this in US National Archives channel on Youtube :- Hidden in plain sight. Scope & Content: This video recording contains an interview...
From Forum Borealis "What happened to the missing Nazi scientists? Did the Bell-project lead to flying disks such as what crashed in Roswell...
Some good stuff here IMO Avies. It's a rather lengthy detailed read, but a highly informative and detailed one, The nuts and bolts (if you will) to...
Especially for anybody who is unfamiliar with, or has any doubts about the Roswell Incident. Just have a listen to Don Schmitt relating the...
Not seen this one before - or have I missed it ? On first viewing I tend to think this is real - the way some of the people are recoiling looks like...
Russia's Roswell Incident | The Dalnegorsk Mysteries | Oct. 2, 2017 Source: Paul Stonehill Paranormal Research youtube tcpIqjdf1o4 ...
A couple of recent shows the first broadcast live from the 2016 Roswell festival featuring several guests listed below the vid , they discuss...
source: http://historydeceived.blogspot.de/2016/08/human-deception-at-playduring-ufo-wave.html
Hello Everyone: I was watching the video of Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist Boyd Bushman and was fascinated as always by his knowledge....
Ep. 418 FADE to BLACK Jimmy Church w/ Don Schmitt, Tom Carey: The Children of Roswell "Don Schmitt and Tom Carey are probably the most...
New interview with Tom... PClIBBejdj4
On May 5th, the slides found to be authentic Kodak slides showing what appears to be a small being from the date in question regarding Rosewell IF...
I know many have seen this old footage, purportedly showing Roswell type beings, a crash and a single being having his height measured wearing...
Do you think the Roswell "aliens" were Greys from Zeta Reticuli as Sanni Ceto has said, humans from Earth 24,000 years in the future as Dan Burisch...
Kodachrome - A Documentary Published on Feb 4, 2015 PS - Published on Nov 29, 2014
This story was written by Anthony Bragalia (source below). I don't know if this is true or false so you all be the judge. I've seen this show up on...
Arthur E. Exon had been a lieutenant colonel and a student participating in a two-year industrial administration course on the base (Wright Field) at...
I found this while looking for Jesse Marcel material, the first hour is about conspiracy theorists. Then goes on to Jesse and other UFO cases... ...
Anyone seen this latest? On 23 June, 2012, in an interview for the popular American radio show, Coast to Coast AM, the CIA’s former liaison to the...
This classic video tells it all.....it is what it was and it was what it is. W8ljjE255vo
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