NxttQsg4cSk 5bPuGQnLqb8 WnneTCu6PSM 6bJXvLyZfNs yj_UqSdQdmo
This astrologer is very tuned in, imho.
JUPITER stops over ALDEBERAN as it prepares to go forward again feb is strong now... from 10 march-7 may..jupiter will be parallel the 2 red...
We can see it as a "freeze frame", returning to something that would not have completely satisfied our desire, to go beyond appearances. Push the...
The United States must prepare to live the return of Pluto on the sky map of the independence of the USA of July 4, 1776, Pluto was at 27 ° 33 and...
I had found his date of birth after a targeted search . Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was arrested on October 13, 2023, in his progressed cycle the Moon was...
new moon 29th jan aligned with white star DENEB, and pale blue DSCHUBBA trine jupiter, a good one Personally i also use the outer planets atmakaraka is neptune, aligned with SPICA which i am calling...
the last time neptune passed through pisces, coincided with the impressionist movement in france...Typically neptunian ...Impressionism, a broad...
Saturn will join neptune in pisces in they move towards conjunction, a 35-36 year event.. saturn rules science, neptune fiction.. ..the... full moon gemini, aligned with POLLUX, conjunct out of bounds mars, trine neptune
time to look at NEPTUNE, as it is moving to become east rising 'equator planet' for the next 3 years ..on one hand it is liable to bring confusion,...
rahu and saturn, the 2 coldest influences, have an 11-12 year cycle between we approach the next one, i look back at 2013, 2014... ...during the period 500-300 B,C. the 2 major white stars DENEB and VEGA were in parallel alignment...
... 1793, the middle of the french revolution URANUS, revolutionary planet of freedom passes very close to royal star REGULUS(an 84 year...
3 consecutive PERIGEE new moons mar 29--apr 27--may 27 big moon with sun, big tides/emotions
new year day moon aligned with pluto and the horns of the goat ,opp mars deep strong hidden emotions[URL="'' Blocked on F.B. moved to star astro group on...
This is my third article in the series that I started in 2013 and then in 2018 First of all, I want to clarify when I looked at the Full Moon map,...
.......... a candidate for '**** hits the fan chart' of the year a solar eclipse parallel red star MENKAR URANUS parallel a red star SATURN...
mvnpSl8aSmc ♐️ 🎠 🐎
... a new moon with ANTARES . major red star, also saturn square(full vedic aspect..) ..SCORPIO rulers MARS and PLUTO are in opposition, so an...
This is an interesting supposition from John Michael Greer that the downgrading of Pluto, which is no longer officially a planet, has changed its...
I'd say he'd have a good chance as a favorite, he's young and the Sun of November 5 in conjunction with his Saturn at the MC, vocation, is a fine...
I opted for a draw with the Yiking, not the traditional method, but with the 64 Oracle cards of "Lunaea Weatherstone"! Donald Trump , hexagram...
.... next year NEPTUNE crosses the celestial equator, coinciding with URANUS aligning with the PLEIADES. ..the last time this happened, was 1084...
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