........ .......probably the most powerful and interesting event this autumn.. ..a full moon super moon, lunar eclipse, conjunct neptune..sep...
This astrologer is very tuned in, imho. http://angstoic.com/2016/06/tuesday-14-june/
I'd say he'd have a good chance as a favorite, he's young and the Sun of November 5 in conjunction with his Saturn at the MC, vocation, is a fine...
There are several astrological appointments that have caused Pavel Durov to be stuck in France. There is one that I did not notice, and that is to...
Tucker Carlson , born under a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus that renews itself in 2024, a cycle that recurs every 14 years, may be a favorite,...
With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jupiter returns as retro as November 5th. Mixed popularity, something will make him stand out. He should pass because...
The announcement of replacement of Joe Biden by “ Kamala Harris ” was made under a Full Moon and that the next 2024 elections will be held under a...
the kite on the 28th aug, also forming a T.square. venus and neptune are key, as they are a part of both kite and square...the sweet lubricant, to...
27th august VENUS very close to a white, virgo star, ZAVIJAVA, also aligned with white, leo star, DENEBOLA..whilst being the base of a kite...
It is a conjunction that often goes unnoticed so that we really talk about it in astrological practice and yet its impact in romantic relationships...
Aries : it's fair to say that you've got the opportunity to make a fresh start with the transit of the North Node in your sign, which will ask you...
The United States must prepare to live the return of Pluto on the sky map of the independence of the USA of July 4, 1776, Pluto was at 27 ° 33 and...
.. first of the full moon supermoons, aug 19th, in aquarius square uranus... ..uranus parallel orange alpha star ARCTURUS.. ..mars conj jupiter,...
next red star moon, weds morning. G.M.T. out of bounds with ANTARES followed by a moon, mars/jupiter, saturn, t-square, in the evening.
I published an article on the subject, today everyone with their mobile phone can have the translation in their language, it's the progress of...
.....as we slowly move to a close conjunction of MARS and JUPITER, parallel the twin red stars, TEJAT,, and PROPUS...exact 14th aug religious...
hdBzD_VUPaA Video from 2019, but according to the comments it looks interesting. I thought I published about Joe Biden and no, he was not my...
https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Dua_Lipa ZjBZ8MUnB0E Sun in Leo and the Moon in Cancer I love dancing to this music without knowing...
I share with you an article that I wrote on September 4, 2020 In exactly two months, the Americans will vote for "a new president" and all blows...
Julian Assange, founder of “ WikiLeaks ”, will have made so much talk about him, since his imprisonment from 2010 until 2024, in synergy with the...
vHtw523ktDw Star that makes the news 🎆🎇
On this Women's Day, I will pay tribute to an Irish singer known worldwide for her voice (Venus master of your Sun sign in Aries), born on May 17,...
new moon 8th may, EXACTLY aligned with red star MENKAR. ..an extreme mix of sattvic and tamasic.(like eclipses).could swing either way depending on...
fVECkGKB-Xs sFs_pwFjigk mCbtAnrZldI
10th/11th apr, a very close alignment of mars and saturn. both exactly aligned with red, and blue, pegasus stars. extremes of hot and cold...
..... this coming eclipse is special because 1...its a total eclipse 2...its at perigee(closest so biggest moon)biggest tides 3....they are...
Written September 2022 The progressed New Moon is scheduled for February 2024 will square transiting Jupiter Taurus near the progressed conjunction...
. ..on new year's day, VENUS exactly aligns with blue/white SCORPIONS CROWN star ACRAB this is a higher spiritual love influence, adding to the...
“Abraham excelled all in nobility and wisdom; he sought and obtained the knowledge of astrology and the Chaldean craft... he traveled to Phoenicia...
.. .JUPITER continues under white star influence until feb 4th getting stronger as it stops to go direct jan 1st..a highly positive effect URANUS...
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