This series covers the groundbreaking work of Frank Znidarsic. We really have the power to change the world if we work together and make the effort...
More HERE: New Energy Breakthrough: Tesla Tower Innovation Channel: The Cosmic Summit Creator: Robert Edward Grant Published: January 5th, 2025...
It seems like more people are interested in UAP in recent years, which is great. But the motives around disclosure seem to focus on safety of... "The ontology paradigm transforms electricity from a material phenomenon into a...
I'm holding space for the moment ;) ...more to follow..
Just got an ad on my youtube feed about some free energy generator, based on Tesla's lost technology that some scientists have recently recovered, or...
All you need just magnet,without circuit,coil.Try another way of thinking, another way of train of thought, direct like poles repel each other has...
Is it a complete scam? Or even it is possible but the output is very small? Or is there a third possibility?
First of all, I want to talk about the energy source of the device. The atmospheric electric field is the vertical electric field formed by the...
Solar power is free but certainly not the batteries which last for a number of years only. Does anyone has experience and computation as to the cost...
-ZRwlYtAMps This is a great why files. A dozen or more figures from the past 100 years specializing in "real" free energy and antigravity are on...
I searched to find if this has already been posted and did not find anything. If it has been already sorry for the duplicate...this only came to my...
Philippine inventor, Ismael Aviso says he combines the high frequency shorting effect pursued by Tesla, with the back EMF to create a carrier wave to...
article from here ... JOHN BEDINI – YOU WILL BE MISSED! For quite a few months, John’s brother Gary who has always managed the business... i had that idea long time ago and always popup everytime i looked around seeing so...
i'm a new member so have limited ideas of how to use this site effectively. i came across this Australian video today on FB. ...
Thank you to Santos Bonacci for posting this on fb! Check out this video interview with Sacha Stone about a new way of living. I for one am...
3 in one. Resonated with me, what about you....? XU49FSIx0_g
G'day All, Just got an email telling me Russ Gries of RWGResearch and Open Source Energy has released all his Stan Meyer information free. The...
Scientists studying a cousin of the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis and leprosy have discovered an enzyme that converts hydrogen into...
From EUPHORIA CONFERRED TO YOU AND YOURS Mankind’s most important technology!! — skip directly to...
Can a 25W motor turn 100W generator to produce usable electric energy? According to the law of energy conservation is impossible. But the law of...
I searched Avalon and didn't find this on here. It is a new method for tapping "zero point energy" It appears legit, and could be used in...
Breakthrough Energy Source 10X Better Than Wind & Solar!? qii8nhCFI4M Unlike Wind and Solar energy which fluctuates wildly throughout the day,...
Info regarding old and new, innovative and clean, energy sources! ¤==¤ A team of researchers from Finland has set up the world's first...
Yo..just a note... on one of the essential ingredients for building anti-gravity craft. An essential one which was previously unavailable. Too...
Let make a short trip in a not so distant future and examine what will be impact of Free Energy in our life, and more specifically what technologies,...
Keshe Foundation releasing technology .... This thread covers new technology (the same underlying technology in each instance) that will provide...
Today nobody doubts that the world economics will refuse the hydrocarbon fuel and go over to so-called “green” power sources. As such, the Sun/wind...
Quantum Internet Signals beamed between Drones Kilometers apart (No Harmful Microwaves Needed!): Drones...
Physicists build Circuit that Generates Clean, Limitless Power From Graphene! A team of University of...
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