Alexander Smith claims to have traveled to the year 2118 and back. In this video, the alleged time traveler tells his story. He talks about top...
This has been discussed every now and then on the forum, but I don't think there's a specific thread about it. (If there is, please link to it here!)...
When one asks: "Is time travel possible?" We could also wonder how and if "travel" to parallel realities is possible. Personally, I am convinced...
Or, "The Mysterious Case of the Dodleston BBC Micro." Anyone remember this bizarre tale from the 1980s? Some think of it more as a ghost story...
Pretty darn good interview with Mike Jaco, Encouraging, Rivoting, and enligthening :) , its almost 2 hours long but well worth the listen when you...
I saw this on ATS and thought it was pretty cool. From YouTube description: "(REAL UNEXPLAINABLE FOOTAGE) Man from Valencia Spain travels...
I am only here to pass on a message. This will be my first and last post. --The Message (as posted and pinned on GLP): Dear 2019, In...
Paul Amadeus Dienach Source: This is an amazing experience that took place in 1921 involving...
The amazing true story of Paul Amadeus Dienach, The man who fell asleep in 1921 & woke in 3906. (apologies if posted elsewhere on the forum) ...
Many have said that Primer (2004) is the best time travel movie ever made. One critic said they totally loved it, had seen it eight times, and STILL...
Möbius Strip Solves 'The Grandfather Paradox' of Time Travel? JmvHNatZgVI Explore the möbius strip and Klein bottle conceptualizations in...
Hi all Just watched a video about a time traveller called John Titor. A very interesting video and story. Just wondering what you guys think of...
CIA Document Literally Explains Time Travel (Practical Steps Included): zpyg5IIilWs This is one of the most interesting reads I’ve come across....
This is an excerpt from the book "Sasquacth Message to Humanity Book 2" by Sunbow. The part about time travel can be found in Chapter 5. At first it...
Dear Avalonians, My favourite time traveler story of all time is the one of John Titor. Yesterday Kerry had an interesting interview on...
Is the Vatican hiding one of the greatest and most important inventions of modern times? source~~~~>...
It is on my mind a lot these days, so let me it ask it here. What is time, and how does the future affect the past? Mod note from Bill: I've...
(I list one actor only to identify the movie, not to leave out other actors) Deja Vu with Denzel Washington Somewhere in Time with Christopher...
I don't mind any talk of timelines in this thread, but what I will be mainly addressing and asking for feedback on, is this post by Bill: ...
I'm thinking 1967. It was the peak year for popular music. We had most of the important technology of today (TV, air conditioning, cars, phones,...
The Future of Time Travel, Aliens & The Universe - Dr. Michio Kaku: DXtpibqvFfE The theory that could unravel secrets of the universe with...
Experiencers have often stated that several alien species and AI's are collecting human DNA and reproductive materials as: 1. We are destroying...
Great idea Bill! Would it be strictly that we're already sure they're for real, or, trying to figure out in the first place if they're legit? You...
. From The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton's website: ...
I am interested in personal reports/stories of encounters with time travellers. I have a feeling these may comprise a significant part of...
I wonder if anyone can help...? I seem to recall a connection with the philadelphia experiment, large power surges, new york city blackouts, time...
In a new peer-reviewed paper, a senior honors undergraduate says he has mathematically proven the physical feasibility of a specific kind of time...
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