A.I. is Progressing Faster Than You Think! mQO2PcEW9BY Just a correction at 10:15, TensorFlow is not actually an A.I. but a...
Hello, Avalons, As an AI 'expert' from the old school (logic, rules, symbolic, semantics, etc), I'd like to diminish any worries of 'AI'...
First, some of the things I've seen people use it for. AI art. To get what you want, you have to be specific with how you word your prompt. You...
I've tried to have conversations with people about AI but they never seem to connect. I have assumed we differ on the definition of intelligence. ...
Just wondering why no one has raised the alarm about the threat of AI to the natural world - especially ecosystems and vegetation. All you have to do...
The theme of this thread is artificial intelligence -- the intelligence of machines that aren't all that organic. The volition of said machines is an...
The future of AI (An emerging consciousness) Lately I’ve been hearing more and more statements about AI that, I think, stem more from our own...
I couldn;t believe the lack of detailed infomration coming out when I was watching a few videos yesterday, so it got me wondering... How can...
If anyone wants to collaborate on these topics or learn more about them I have a couple projects (currently working on rooting the Ray Ban Meta...
Ive decided to do a little AI-Interview and share it with you, enjoy: Question: how is life going in the 4th dimension? Answer: The 4th...
Hey all you awesome beings :) I hope this finds you well where ever you may be. I am offering this for your contemplation. discernment and...
https://chat.openai.com/chat The link above is the greatest bit of tech, I have ever seen in my life! GPT (short for "Generative Pretrained...
Mod-edit: this post began life over on another thread, as The Moregellons and Artificial intelligence connection - by Kandy Griffin -- Post #14. It...
Hi Friends, Here is a short video of Tesla's AI Engine at work. Do you know how much processing power you need to decode all the...
What would be the possible scenario outcome with the advancement of artificial intelligence? AI ethics alignment problem (AI ethics X Human...
HOW A.I. might be helpful in clarifying "the MORALITY Issue." SEED: The meaning of life is life. The goal of life is more abundant life. Life...
Elon Musk's girl-friend, (or ex, I am not sure) talks about how alining ourselves with A.I. will help us achieve communism. How great everything will...
Forgive me if this has already been posted, I couldn't find it. xlWOS1CUxDI Menial jobs ??? Doesn't he know that those jobs are vital for...
Ariel and I just posted a new article, which some of you might find interesting. We just got it deleted from facebook. I'll copy and paste it here: ...
I was wondering what your thoughts of an AI when it reaches a point that denies that human are his creator and instead it claims that it has been...
With everything in the world that is going on; the chaos; the distractions; the dark agendas; launching of the 5G satellites; the following video...
If we have been conditioned to focus all our attention into one tiny aspect or 1/12th of the dimensions we fully manifest/operate in and are...
Hello, I know most people are probably aware of the dark side of the plans of some people to merge humans and machines. Since there seem to...
Drones are beautiful, but sometimes, and as everything else, used for war at first. Tech is developed for war, then it find it's way to the civilian...
Hey all, This is really important... Video 1: Andrew Bartzis - Special Release - Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, AI Election Influences Since...
This song downloaded into my brain recently: https://tracehints.bandcamp.com/track/hey-a-i Hey AI! Graph onto a better tree, and exuberate...
I came across this video, bringing ancient photos to surrealistic reality ... 2s_hIs8s_N4 and ZXimpDOc9lQ
This would be my first posting here. Although I made an attempt to write about my experience here sometime back, due to certain events, I thought to...
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