China releases Moon footage of alien base. Is this true? Avalonians? The report stipulates: "I was sent some pictures by a source who claims...
David Paulides is a retired cop who found out through a conversation with a national park employee that there are a mulitude of unexplainable...
In 1935, German scientists set up a laboratory on the roof of the Charite Hospital in Berlin in order to study ball-lightning (German: "Kugelblitz")....
Remember this Phil Schneider - Underground Bases & Greys - last video before being killed (1995) Great man
-------------------- Thomas Castello was a security guard at the infamous Dulce base back in the 1990s who smuggled out a boxful of documents,...
By Susan Duclos ...
MY UNDERGROUND BASE ABDUCTIONS In the early 1990s I started getting flashbacks of short light-skinned beings with big heads and large eyes...
I remember when they were building an underground facility North of Charlottesville, on Peters Mountain, North of Stony Point on #640. Seen from...
Rio Arriba Scientific & Technological Underground Auxiliary Author and Researcher Anthony F. Sanchez has vetted and interviewed a retired USAF...
Diverse International Team to Join Expedition to Mojave Desert ET Base Before End of 2021 ( For What It's Worth :- GEO KNAPP will be there ) ...
Reports from others, many of them workers at various underground D.U.M.B. installations that are constructed for our Military, advise us that there...
Well, for the first time in 15 years, a camera crew was allowed inside the Denver Airport. Turns out there's a huge 4 story underground luggage...
If you believe this story, the wife of a high level security officer at Edwards AFB saw a real life reptilian deep underneath the base, in the late...
Saw a video on clearance in the USA of the D.U.M.Bs. 80 percent said to be cleared of corrupt elite earlier this year - notable one for me is the...
Back during the mid-80s channeling craze, I undertook to interview some of the denizens of the astral plane, using a couple of unknown psychics....
In this video, I begin my "deep dig" video series into the lore as well as facts surrounding the alleged Deep Underground Military Base / Alien Base...
Start about 25 minutes in and observe this strange thing. i1qjc072Ioc
"A MYSTERIOUS crater-shaped hole in the ground near to Area 51 is "unlike anything ever seen" and has prompted theories that the bizarre crater could...
This fascinating and unusual presentation by author Garrett M. Graff is well worth listening to. It's all about the US government's emergency...
Dulce Underground Alien Base: Smuggled Footage Saturday, March 16, 2013 20:24 The Dulce underground secret base is purportedly under Mt....
very controversial subjects are discussed but it's a good listen if one has the time, patience, interest and an open mind- am not convinced...
This interview is a bit basic but it is up to date , I will post a more indepth interview or presentation as well.The first part is an intro about...
So I'm listening to Steven Quayle talk about Giants in the Soloman Islands. And I'm like "giants in the Soloman Islands?" this piqued my interest. ...
Earlier in July, 2017 I had a chance to explore over in Nevada to a depth of about -13,000 feet using special equipment. I had described this a...
Lyn Buchanan, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.) | Confirmed, Multiple ET Bases on Earth, Stargate Program Declassified | May 12, 2016 Source:...
Revelation of Soviet Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich | UFOs, Underwater Alien Bases and KGB Files Source: Paul Stonehill Paranormal Research youtube ...
GOing to check this out at the weekend Built in the fifties on the east coast of the UK. And still in service today....
In 2011 under a pen name I authored a book entitled "The Secret Alliance" still in print with Sharkhunters International of Florida, the leading...
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