I wish to clarify, first of all, that this post does not invite debate on the veracity of Q, or whether people should start looking into Q or not....
Posting this for awareness. (Will keep this short because I have not been feeling well the past couple of days, so I'm not up to posting much of...
Hello, Avalons! Some 'disjointed' points: 1. Putin, since ~2000: Slow anti-corruption. 2. Xi: Heavy anti-corruption campaign. ...
Since the QAnon phenomenon began in late October, 2017 - slowly at first and then picking up momentum and an ever growing number of followers...
Lt Colonel Riccardo Bosi explains Q, , the plan and whats coming. this post compliments my Derek Johnson thred but I didnt want anyone to miss it. ...
Lyran.Sun : "Okay broski I wanna bring forward some matters to you. You already know the far left globalist are going mental on their various...
I followed the 'Q' posts and analyses from week one (Nov 2017) but the following analysis has just been pointed out and it's new to me. So I thought...
lY_KmJDpavw He's a curious character and I've been following his story for a while now. Whether or not he is "Q" I think his message is generally...
Sorry to start another Q thread but it's really necessary. The other recently new one which instantly splayed off into many same arguments and whose...
Solution: Post 253 Post 259 How this, Hervé? I created a new thread called, "Q" Booth for Off Topic Posts from Other Threads.
~Not sure if this needs to be taken serious or not: "Law Of War: The Storm ('Super-Proof') SPECIAL VIDEO Bitchute/Rumble exclusive" 0.00:00 A...
If the info held in the Q map eventually makes it out into the wider public domain, it's going to profoundly change the world and maybe the UK more...
I just found out that on the thread "QAnon - An Opposing Viewpoint - LARP, Psyop, Cult or Something Even More Sinister?" one is not allowed to post...
If you want to be infuriated and/or saddened, read this long (propaganda?) article from Huffington Post. It really is quite appalling! ‘I Miss My...
Now look what is getting tied into this. At 1:27:20 they ask him about the Undercover Marine / Horn Tip Camera rumors, and he goes into it ~...
Someone has been using star charts to cross reference the movement of the constellations with the timings and information within the Q posts. ...
On January 19th at midnight in DC (Eastern Standard Time), all patriots will chant the following ten times! Oooh Eeee Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla...
I have been researching for a long time now info on Jesus and more specifically the Rex Deus bloodline and the present state of it all. I'm...
More and more, I am coming upon information I wish to post about. When I say, "post about," I am not only referring to "information presentation"...
#StopCOVIDCold Check COVID risk Both titles are self-explanatory
'BBC VS Qanon' - Alistair Williams Comedian l0OIUnCSc74 Related topic: CyGy_HDg9Ao DISCLAIMER: Am not "pro-Q nor anti-Q" ... am just...
https://veilofreality.com/2020/06/20/qanon-the-great-awakening-psyop-or-the-real-deal/ Qanon – The Great Awakening: PsyOp or the Real Deal? ...
Hello, Everyone: a couple of points here to start. 1. This post (and the discussion which may ensue) is in a standalone new thread. That's because...
3585 8kun Routes Through DoD Server Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11 Nov 2019 - 6:49:10 PM https://twitter.com/fillasaufical/status/1194044070039085057📁...
When edina posted this half an hour ago on the main Q thread, I was interested enough to take a look. I'm a rational Qanon skeptic myself, so I...
This thread is simply a poll to sample Avalon members' views about Qanon, based on a suggestion by KiwiElf here. The poll options were drafted...
A huge difficulty the right will have, if Q turns out to be nonsense, is that they will be seen as naive and gullible . And extremely stupid. Q...
Awesome! If true. This is the follow up video to "Q-The Plan To Save The World" MRtEgdgj_XQ
My memory isn't what it used to be. I cannot remember the names of any of the players, but it was somewhere in the neighborhood I think of 2010 or...
THE WHITE HATS – “Q” DOT CONNECTIONS? A short while back I came across “Paladin” in Ben Fulford’s comments section whilst researching someone...
I wish to share this video. 3e_e5WI_mjg Very good analysis and dot connection about the material, its agenda and its origin.
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