This has been posted a couple of times already, but absolutely deserves its own thread. Chris Martenson presents an explosive collection of proof...
So this virus is being treated with the highest degree of attention, it is rapidly spreading to other countries but yet this has symptoms and deaths...
I'm still on the fence with this. On the one hand, considering the low fatality numbers compared to other diseases it seems that what makes this...
30 Facts you need to know: Your Covid Cribsheet. A collection of all the arguments you’ll ever need. We get a lot of e-mails and private...
Dear Friends, This post is simply to start this new thread. Please see my detailed explanation here. As the title suggests, this thread is for...
A World Pushing Back Against CV19 Lockdown: The Protests, The Revolts, The Non-Compliance World Retaliations After March 2020 Lockdown and...
Critically Thinking with Dr. T and Dr. P Episode 78 - Jan 20 2022 1:07:07 ...
The Covid Vaccines: "The Biggest Crime Ever Committed on Humanity" - Christine Anderson (German MP), EU Parliament, 05 July 2022 - (3 min video)...
This is so bizarre. What are people able to do to protest? Threatening stage 5 lockdown if stage 4 does not "work". BUT how can stage 4...
So....the big question about covid-19 (corona virus) is who knew what was coming? Who knew before, let say october 2019 that world today will be in...
I do not. Apparently it breaks down into political parties in the US: ...
Just thought I'd post this by Dr. Rashid Buttar who is the most censored doctor in the world; and proud of it because he's sharing the truth as much...
Hello. I would like to dedicate this thread to creative ideas, inspired writings and news stories focused on ways the citizenry of this world is...
This is an excellent video from a virologist explaining how they did it: La6ZLf0RRUiH
MUST WATCH!!! FUNERAL DIRECTOR JOHN O'LOONEY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON COVID gigUyK3yLtMU Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services ... Archive: Should I rush out and get one?
. Call to Action End the "COVID" Crime Against Humanity It's time each of us in the States sent the following proposed indictment that David...
Dr Mike Yeadon lets RIP with his heartfelt speech about what's happened over the past year and why he thinks Tony Blair is a war criminal!!!... How...
Stew Peters Presents "Watch the Water", an Explosive Revelation Exposing the Origins of COVID 19 01:00 ...
Please post all your flu knowledge on this thread. It can be your personal experience, or academic knowledge. This thread is public domain, the...
What is the truth about asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2? The asymptomatic aspect combined with the much-misrepresented mortality risk have...
To Patriots: Look at Italy Now J July 6, 2020 by Jon Rappoport (I've...
This is a pretty interesting video sent to me by a friend today. It features Dr Jordan Grant, who begins by explaining that he was just as clueless...
Reiner has been a trial lawyer for over 26yrs primarily focusing on fraudulent corporations. In July 2020 he and others formed 'The Corona...
A conversation including current topics of interest: pharmaceutical industry, covid, the Pfizer vaccine, Trump and Fauci, masks and lockdown...
The virus appears to be a culmination of a "knowing" that I have had for a long time now. Since 1994, to be exact. So hard to explain, but since...
In the recent mainstream news they are dropping hints daily as to a new variant. Just do a search for covid on Google News to see some of the...
Fauci is not a nice human being....IS he even human? Why isn't he in prison? Why does Trump insist on keeping him on his team? And yet Fauci's...
Hi All I know there have been a few of these over the last couple of years but this is an incredibly comprehensive and lucid account of how...
I’m not sure if this should be it’s own thread. I’m not sure how to start one. I want the reply’s to be just dedicated to people who are in the...
Just for your interest: I had "covid" symptoms in January 2020. At the time I hadn't heard of "covid" and assumed that I had flu. (I probably...
The older man in this video is in Denial. He is claiming that the information about people dying from the vax is misinformation. In this video he...
Some places in the world have extreme Covid measures. The less extreme measures might foreshadow more extreme ones. In Belfast some authorities are...
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