Wi-Fi, Cell Towers May Soon Be Spying on You Without Your Consent by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. February 4, 2025...
#Stop5G #Stop5G before it is irreversible! ... NWO Transhumanism Depopulation Agenda ... Deep Mind A.I. (Quantum Computers) & A.I. called...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_spectrum 5G SPECTRUM - Low-band 5G uses a similar frequency range to 4G cellphones, 600–850 MHz,...
This is a very insightful 8 min video about the virus and 5G. Hope it starts to make sense to you as it did me. One point that it made was that...
We need Solutions The causes of this monstrous issue can be either - virus based --> there already exist here on Avalon a thread giving excellent...
I had an unusual dream last night about 5G. I don't remember dreams usually except the last few minutes of the dream. What is the name of a...
"In 2018, on land and in space, preparations to deploy millions of antennas were very publicly being made and advertised, for “5G,” “Smart Cities,”...
5G - Virus INTERLINKED? Euro Parliamentary questions 24 April 2020...
Something affordable please, but that actually tracks the EMFs that we are interested in. Thanks
Hi everyone, I'm puzzled, can someone tell me why 5G is being flogged from 1GHZ to 6GHZ then 24GHZ and beyond. My question is what lies from...
OOKLA 5G MAP (SEE WHERE YOU LIVE IF YOU WILL BE ZAPPED BY 5G - IT WILL KILL YOU) OOKLA 5G MAP™ The interactive Ookla 5G Map tracks 5G rollouts in...
This is a far reaching video --taking away civil liberties -- vaccinations and 5G
Ironically, the plandemic is providing an opportunity for people to take down 5G. Cameras do no good when people are wearing masks. ...
The one caused by viruses and the one caused by exposure to 5G frequencies, as mentioned in the pdf document – HERE. ?!?
i recently joined a 5G facebook page only to find that after 8 hours i was removed despite posting a lot of good info that members liked. guess...
I’m Worried About David Icke Today... pN_6igBLuyc The Coronavirus Conspiracy: How COVID-19 Will Seize Your Rights & Destroy Our Economy ...
A friend /co worker of mine just sent me a tinfoil hat mess about ppl having destroyed 5 G antennas in UK , which made me think of 5G and somehow...
I live in the UK. In recent years, they have removed the lamp posts here and erected new ones with very powerful LED lights. Well, at least they...
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