We're now into week 4 of vaccines being administered for Covid19 and already the amounts of reports of serious side affects and deaths are...
At the No Jab, No Pay, No Way rally in Brisbane QLD Australia in 2015, former Police Sergeant Chris Savage shares how police and doctors he worked...
The programs that are ushering in the digital enslavement of humankind are several. One is the pending W.H.O.'s Global Treaty for Pandemics. In the...
Mod-edit: The first five posts of this thread began life on the thread File It Away Right Here Before You Forget! A Thread for Autism Research Paper...
... ... from Jim Stone:
This is scarey..! DR LEE MERIT: THE VAXX IS PREPARING THE WORLD FOR A MASS DEATH EVENT The things revealed in this video are explosive. The...
Just came across this video, where top vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche explains why the current vaccine rollout is a dangerous mistake from...
I once saw a video of a burly man being force to take a jab in a hospital. Which now I cant find. If you see one please post it here. We might learn...
Big Pharma Co. Has License Suspended As Vaccine Sterilizes 500,000 Girls ...
Embalmers Find Veins and Arteries Filled With Rubbery Clots by Dr. Joseph Mercola February 19, 2022...
Over the previous few days I've noticed adverts and tabloids seem to be trying to normalise strokes and heart attacks. -==##@@@####=====-- ...
THIS ONE IS DIFFERENT...THEY ARE COMING/Dr. Jane Ruby: 7/13/24 https://rumble.com/v56oqit-this-one-is-different...they-are-coming.html "Coffee...
Physicians for Informed Consent have just released a press release about the effectiveness of the Covid jabs as related to Covid deaths. Covid...
... ... Big badaboom! No mNRA (Gene Therapy) in Pfizer "Vaccine" by Des Marxants (henrymakow.com) ...
I admit it. I am anti-vax until they are more carefully researched. IF I am convinced vaccines are better than improving the terrain (the natural...
Andrew Bridgen is the force for truth who came out of nowhere, got suspended by the Conservative Party, then expelled and joined the Reform Party...
The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe,...
Huge Win for Vaccine Safety Transparency. Federal Judge Orders CDC to Release All V-safe Free-Text Entries to the Public. ...
Top 22 legit questions about the mRNA injections, you're not supposed to ask! Top 22 legit questions about the mRNA injections, you're not...
The title looks antivax at first, but after a long-quick scan it looks like a possible pro vax rally, to get public support. I don't know. This was...
Trump’s Supreme Court Denies Religious Exemptions to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots to Maine Health Care Workers October 30, 2021 by Brian Shilhavy...
Since the vaccination program started excess deaths have been mysteriously rising. The excess death figures have increased dramatically yet the...
There are so many negative aspects to the modRNA* injections gambit that it is difficult to figure out a succinct message to people, to warn them NOT...
This morning my son made me sign a consent paper for vaccination in school. I decline and sternly instruct him not to be vaccinated. The consent...
Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die 6/9/21...
9L3xxE8AGqE Nov 21, 2023 “By circumventing and ignoring several laws, the committee knowingly introduced potentially lethal injections onto the...
This just came out. v3s9paa
Hi all, My father's having his 90th Bday this Saturday and there's to be a large gathering of family and friends - all of them vaxxed and boosted....
As many are predicting, the population may soon reach the tipping point of awareness in regards to the vaccine. ("Normies and the Big Ugly" as...
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