Lately I've noticed a great deal of transgender-bashing, both in the media & from people I know personally. I'm wondering why this is. . . it seems...
Hey all. I was thinking about this today, and I don't mean to presume . This is an observation and my opinion. We have the emergence of a" woke...
There's been quite a lot of interesting discussion about this in the alt media, and I've been meaning to post about it for some time. The prompt for...
The cancel culture has moved into high gear. Hardly a day goes by when a person or corporation isn't targeted. Some of it is certainly justified when...
So the Washington Redskins are to retire their name and logo, which they've had since 1933. So what to think of this? Is it the long overdue...
Seems only appropriate that there be a thread for all things about The White Race. Negative or positive, funny or tragic. It belongs here. ...
Amazing how the Dems in Congress treat Garland with kid gloves. They don't care about how he plays sides & politics, and how justice is supposed to...
I thought this was a joke, but it's not. 3Lf4SNDWXpM
What makes one a conspiracy theorist? What compels someone to even consider a conspiracy theory as an explanation? What is a conspiracy theory?...
What in the world are we doing…sorry ‘they’… What is the world coming to. This is Unjust!” – ‘Biological Male’ Boxer Viciously Beats Female ...
Watch this 5 minute compilation and be amazed. (Maybe we should have a poll on which nation's military looks like the bad-ass. :) )
I have heard this a few times this year, from your footprint being put on a piece of paper when you were born to your mother signing you away. Liten...
1766702586709606564 The above video and underlying story is so disturbing I’m compelled to start a thread to hash out what’s at play here. This...
James Gilliland of ECETI ranch just put out his newsletter with this: A wise man, indeed. YES!YES!YES!
Well, here we go. * Bill takes a deep breath :) * This thread has its genesis in some discussion in the mods team over the last few months...
Once upon a time. Men were men and females were pleased about that. The roles were clearly distinguished. The female, head of the home and the...
Do you support Black Lives Matter, if so, why? If not, why? If you don't know much about them here is a link to their website. The purpose of...
Keri Smith is brilliant and articulate. She describes a bit about her journey into the SJW cult and gives us all the ins and outs of being in such a...
5Kj2_OuBD1U Les Brigandes is a female musical group of French chanson appreciated by certain far-right circles and living in community. They...
It is frustrating to see people trying to make an argument and using words and concepts in a way they don't understand. These people are sincere and...
The mantra at the forefront of Identity Politics says that Diversity is Strength. It isn't. We are naturally diverse as individuals, and that's a...
We don't have a forum section titled Racism, so Identity Politics will have to do. A detailed intro to Russophobia may not be needed. It's...
I have a newfound respect for FIFA! :clapping: DOHA, Qatar — Seven European teams have scrapped plans to wear rainbow-colored anti-discrimination...
Mod note from Bill: This thread was compiled from a number of moved posts on other threads. Posts #2-8 were written BEFORE the Not Guilty verdict...
This has to be seen to be believed. This psycho, in what was supposed to be a eulogy I presume, took the opportunity to vent her woke mouth farts...
This is just so Stupid, It never ceases to amaze me how the big corporations support and encourage this gender BS. Well now the 2022 new uniforms...
I can relate a lot to this, as i was just the same I found this very interesting, thought maybe some people here may want to read "The clash...
Jordan Peterson has been mischaracterized as alt-right Dan Sanchez Intellectual Takeout Wed, 24 Jan 2018 00:00...
I am growing rather convinced that a new type of mass paranoia is at large in society today, a sort of anxious, delusional state of mind that...
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