(Just for the record:because my first thread in here with the same title was accidentally removed by webmaster--that's a some kind of irony for...
IF there is an existing thread or better location please move. https://dailycaller.com/2019/11/19/china-thousand-talents-fbi-nih-energy/
Just thinking it might be a good idea to start a thread where we can focus on China in the new political arena. There are so many theories flying...
Stop the CCP Slave Camps' event calls to designate CCP a transnational criminal organization 90,819 views •Streamed live on Dec 10, 2020 NTD...
the WORLD EXCLUSIVE ~ will be FRONT page news of every major newspaper this morning ... the FIRST EVER LEAK of a COMMUNIST PARTY DATABASE ...
The following is my interpretation of a possible scenario of how China and Xi could be dangerously playing with fire that could result in the eternal...
Guess Pastor Coverstone got this particular prediction "right" - Chinese troops on ground in North America. 'Justin Trudeau invited China’s...
Please see below pictures.
This is a chilling account for this Canadian citizen, it is actually almost unbelievable. Could it be that Trudeau won’t need to turn control...
Atty. Lin Wood said he found evidence of Gov. Kemp doing business with the CCP. I wonder if some of this stuff I found on twitter is some of it?...
Business News May 28, 2019 / 10:53 PM / Updated 2 hours ago China ready to hit back at U.S. with rare earths: newspapers: ...
https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-31/erik-prince-building-blackwater-type-training-base-china There have been occasional reports of Erik and...
This originates out of Bloomberg and picked up by the news services. Those "hacked" (hardware violated by physical spyware installed in China on...
So many secrets stolen and Hillary guilty of so much more.... if Clinton was President China could have used the emails against her. Its interesting...
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