After fifty years of having cats co existing with me, for the first time, we have a flea problem. I want to nip it in the bud before it becomes a...
Dear Friends, this new thread (in this new section!) was quite a long time coming, and in retrospect we should maybe have created it a long time ago....
Here in England, I've watched with great sadness, Myxomatosis wreak havoc in the Rabbit population since it's creation around 1952. It's sobering...
My cat, who has the run of the neighbourhood, seems worried and spooked lately. Wondering if he's picking up on the mood of people?
Declawing animals is very selfish of humans. It is excruciatingly painful for the animal. They cut the finger tips off the cat. It's like having your...
We talk a lot about whether or not to vaccinate people but what about pets? Any time a vaccine discussion comes up, my brain goes back to square...
hello avalon members. i have a question for you. i have a dog that i have had for 10 years that i love very much. To me he is considered my brother(i...
I think this is important to know about. ...
After watching this animal video is it possible that are animal companions are learning to speak? MVWJtFAEajI
This is pretty simple, really. If you have not tried it, you should. I use about a quarter size drop of carrier oil (anything you may have in the...
I have been using a certain toothpaste that contains Xylitol, and I had heard that Xylitol is toxic to our pets. I bring this up because many of us...
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