Stop 5G before it's irreversible!
Yesterday, 14:52
September 11 2001 research
9/11: Truth Still Matters, Over 20...
30th January 2025, 08:18
Strange website first...
15th February 2025, 10:19
Internet Censorship: So it continues...
Yesterday, 21:55
Chemtrails: What in the world are they...
Today, 14:07
Biden's Mysterious Earlobes, need your...
6th February 2025, 01:30
The meaning of symbolism (pyramids,...
16th February 2025, 23:40
Snake shedding its skin
Today, 21:05
16th February 2025, 21:06
COINTELPRO = COunter INTELligence PROgram]
CIA Stories: The CIA is Born
5th February 2025, 13:54
Artificial Intelligence, Quantum...
13th February 2025, 23:15
JFK: the Assassination of John Kennedy
14th February 2025, 19:57
Targeted Individuals: experiences,...
23rd December 2024, 05:58
Evidence of Biden Family Crimes...
Today, 23:02
Looking for some help (Milab-related)
2nd October 2024, 10:07
Hacking the Mind - a thread of evidence
9th February 2025, 23:19
History Channel: Moon Is Hollow...
16th February 2025, 22:32
Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell:...
12th February 2025, 01:26
What NASA Doesn't Want You to See!
25th April 2024, 02:33
The Remote Viewing Data Dump
11th February 2025, 17:10
The Silencing of Inventors
24th June 2024, 19:35
The Qanon posts, and associated US...
Yesterday, 21:53
James Rink Book(s) & Videos
13th January 2025, 21:55
Weaponising the Weather
11th February 2025, 12:49
UK Whistleblowers
20th January 2025, 14:42
I do not follow Candace Owens a lot but saw this on a JP Sears channel whom I usually watch although I do not agree with everything he puts out. In...
A load of tosh?????? Not sure with Fulford anymore... A major breakthrough in the financial logjam is imminent according to some separate...
Not entirely sure what to make of this. Mix the truth with lies, and you get this? Or are we really living in a time reset age? Note that I am still...
I was going to do a poll on this but then opted to hear comments Do you believe the shooting of D J Trump, bullet grazing his ear, to be a true...
Top 10 Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum: 10 Public Talking Points: 01: "Penetrating Governments" 02:...
John B. Wells brilliant take on 'Flat Earthers' (PsyOp) U_uWA0eTq7s <!!--edit--update August 16, 2022: > backup video: ...
Ivermectin - Why is it banned? - Senator Malcolm Roberts Destroys The COVID Vaccine Narrative! ...
The PFAS Cover-Up ... 2 Dutch 🇳🇱 English 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 Special 2023 Reports: y3kzHc-eV88 In the ‘PFAS Cover-up’ Zembla uncovers what PFAS-producers...
Hello, I have serious doubts about the integrity of Alex Jones because of three things. He is always acting like he is full of anger when he is...
The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation” By E Hanzai Global Research, June 22, 2014 Waking Times
Comedian Sarah Silverman draws a line in the sand Guess what happens next? ...
Hello everyone im new here this is my first post, I've been living in a real hell for the past 10 years. Let me tell you what I'm about to say sounds...
Isn't it ironic that an army launched on a war to neutralize "WMD" gets wiped out by a very real WMD made available in vast quantity by the same...
Health Ranger, Mike Adams interviews Kevin Shipp in this video. If you're not familiar with Kevin Shipp, he's a CIA whistleblower who truly... OHVFJ0-8TQU
Unmasking the Smart City Agenda 2023-2030: download the highest quality Full...
Operation James Bond & the Man from ODESSA These 2 YT docs contain literally an avalanche of essential information connecting a zllion dots about...
David Icke at 70 - The Vindication: JLtn7Co3GfY The Vindication "First they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" Here's the last VT...
My personal definition/description of the "truth movement" or "truthers movement" After researching all kinds of conspiracy claims/theories &...
How does the US govt spare Israel's reputation after their stupid pilots "mistakenly" fire upon the USS Liberty? Both govts are big liars in this...
A few months back I read somewhere that NEXRAD stations were being used to microwave Americans while they slept at night from about 9 pm to 9 am...
Elon Musk says he will 'Solve World Hunger' if the UN can show how the money is spent: d1gpEHYer7Y
Bilderberg 2024 in Madrid Spain: Q5JuhJsAR3g :dog: The...
Red Pilled Dr. John Campbells Awakening - The End of Evidence Based Medicine source 720p (soon...
Why is Truth so difficult vs Why are some Truths so hard? How much of any assumed truth are: 01. just (subjective) perceptions of it?...
"Elon Unmusked" ? ... Corbett, Webb, Tlav & Broze Ultra Panel! g9lNrdgGJjE Whitney Webb James Corbett Jason Bermas Derrick Broze Ryan...
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