What world do you envision living in in the future? This a world of abundance, and a thread of unrestrained idealism/imagination. I am assuming...
Some may find this difficult to understand, lol dimensional speak it is sometimes called, nevertheless some here may wish to enquire of this and the...
Source: http://beforeitsnews.com/news/77/611/Waiting_For_Anti-Christ_-_The_Maitreya_Cometh.html Waiting For Anti-Christ - The Maitreya Cometh ...
A UNIFYING STORY is it POSSIBLE? The possibility of a successful unifying story and solutions for humanity is, I think, linked to our collective...
THE POST-TECHNOCRATIC ERA Technocracy as per definition: a government or social system that is controlled or influenced by experts in science...
World Wide Access to Education for every1- - connecting people (& raising consciousness & knowledge levels worldwide) Hi everyone, I was...
Do you think the earth is on track for its ascension into the 5th dimension. Ive been thinking about the ascension and if or when it will happen. ...
http://www.history.com/shows/brad-meltzers-decoded/videos/brad-meltzers-decoded-2012#brad-meltzers-decoded-2012 The link above provides access to...
Hey you all, I am seeing very much division and scattered ideas amongst the people who want to change this world for the better, which kind of...
I know a lot of people are now focussed on wanting a different world by erasing the evil of this world. And for sure the quest for a more just and...
Just an idea on how we have been and are creating our world. Today, we live in a world full of contrast between a dystopian and utopian world...
Mayan doomsday resurgence after 'we are technically in 2012' claim. According to sources we are in the times of what the Mayans calendar predicted...
The Russian indigo boy Boriska made a sensation years ago when he claimed he had an incarnation on Mars in ancient time. I think he is genuine. Now...
Dust off your passport just in case you get a chance to visit the official first Space Station Nation/Kingdom of Asgardia. Endorsed by the ISS they...
Will there be an event that will cause a major shift in conciousness for the world. I think we could be close to a major shift in conciousness for...
Patterned after the concept of the insect hive, the recharge station, maybe maintenance as well.. drones in the near future, besides being...
Billy Meiers contacts are vast, they resonate with some and not others, I keep an opened mind and as I have said in several posts if its a hoax,...
Remember here please that I am merely the messenger. During a Carolyn Evers BBS radio program Dr. Richard Presser brought "forth" a special guest...
I would like to pose a question to my fellow avalons for there thoughts and opinions. If we came together on the planet to work on a project to...
Excerpt from link... I have had access to the following information for thirty years, but didn't spot it until a few months ago. 1. Reading the...
For all I've seen about these transitions, and read about humans and the earth moving into 4D and our solar system, etc. I haven't yet found anything...
Hello - I am a new member and didn't see a post about this great new enterprise coming from sovereign individuals all over the planet. ITNJ...
I am surprised no one here is talking about the possibility of major happenings in the latter part of this year 2015. We did a lot on 2012, and then...
Now get this! We all knew about the plan to mine asteroids and such... and the interplanetary trade deals and rules are coming right along as well......
About every 3 years, a leap second is added to our time measuring system supposedly because our old Earth's rotation is constantly slowing down a...
Ju-fMZR4YMQ Laura describes her own journey as a contactee at a young age and going through a dark night journey for 20 years and being recruited...
First I want to give a big MERRY CHRISTMAS to the whole Avalon community. The purpose of the thread is to wake up more and more people , as much as...
By 2045 'The Top Species Will No Longer Be Humans,' And That Could Be A Problem says Louis Del Monte. Del Monte spoke his thoughts during...
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