Combine global depression + mini ace age cooler temperatures and difficult worldwide growing conditions... now planting a garden is my number one...
So I was visiting a friend the other day who is heavily into food storage. She was showing me her stash and answering my unending questions.. ...
Hi Friends, When the Covid restrictions hit Australia, we started making our own Yoghurt at home. I got so used to the process by now that we...
hey all/ Mods feel free to move orjoin to any previous post. i have had large 5 gallon bottles of drinking water , the plastic water cooler...
This thread is to give recipes, menus and ideas for using preserved foods to make tasty, balanced, attractive meals. There are various...
Hi Friends, This is the water purifier product that I have in my SHTF survival kit. Specs below. Removes:
I thought I'd make this thread offering a few suggestions about how to become self-sufficient in terms of food. There seems to be an idea that...
Ive been looking around for a while and see that reverse osmosis filters do the job . The problem i have is that i live in a truck so dont have mains...
Now, any time now, is the right time to think about seeds. Before the winter ends, if you have not done it already or if you still have done...
There isn't a sub-forum for air filtration, so I plunked this in with Food & Water on the Off-Grid forum. Because active air filters are so...
Portable water filters and purifiers Lately I‘ve done some research on portable water filters/purifiers for extended hikes and travels, esp in...
Is it worth the risk? (brilliant!) V-TYLsm5vqs If you could see the stuff that is actually in the food on the supermarket shelves, would you...
The legal requirement is to come into force as part of a crackdown to limit the spread of the "highly infectious" disease. From 14 December, all...
I'm actually not "off-grid", but this was the only food topic area. Wife and I are definitely extremely alternative in so many ways, for 52 years on...
I could not find any specific thread about water wells, except for posts, and they are spread around. Since water is one of if not the most important...
Really looking for a short and doable list. Not canning, pickling and involved procedures Whats easy and practical to store in a small space. ...
Are you interested in plant biodiversity, heritage gardening, organic gardening, and seeds (i.e., saving, swapping, storage techniques, etc)? ...
Quite likely, the people who forage for some of their food already know this, but 2021 appears to be a bountiful year for the production of hickory...
Am thinking of people who live in countries where not everything is easily available, so does anyone know what a very basic way to grow hydroponic...
When the normal water supply is interrupted for any reason, it will be necessary to have water stored. Having clean water is critical. Without clean...
How to Start an Indoor Garden Ocean Robbins · September 23, 2020 Food Revolution Network...
What are the best vegetables to grow in a small family garden, in preparation for supply line disruptions? Consider nutrition and taste. Simple tasty...
As we are currently living in the city with not much space for gardening I am planning to do an aquaponics system for high yeld per unit area. I...
Bob, EastCoastPreppers, told me he got a call last night asking how much food he had in stock. The caller had to be someone with very deep pockets...
Let's just suppose that COVID-19 becomes a worldwide quarantine scenario. Given that it is a possibility, what are you doing to prepare? Today I...
A very amazing man, Sepp Holzer, speaks about natural farming and about his knowledge of how to respect and work with permaculture...
Three years ago, I took up water canning some of the produce from our garden. Every summer, I learn something new. This year, I tried canning...
A friend of mine recently told me she's gearing up to grow and sell sprouts in her town and area at farmers markets. Not just as a cash crop but for...
This is the kind of thinking that could be a global game-changer! Decentralised, off-grid, abundant food production, almost anywhere on the planet....
PlantCatching is a site that connects gardeners locally, allowing them to find (free of cost) or share seeds, plants, produce, compost, and other...
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