I’ve looked through various threads in “Living Off The Grid” but cannot find anything that deals with keeping track of inventory of important prep...
I dont claim to know what were really headed for over the coming years, I try to avoid forcasting certainties due to the apparent complexity of some...
I realized a few years back, as many were kept from being able to obtain possibly life saving medications during CoVid, that there is a real need to...
The Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) aka Mormons have a rich tradition of preparedness within their faith community. It's obligated to set aside...
oMn8HPYz6F0 don't know if the video has already been shared in this forum
If next month or year is going to be chaotic as some predict, you'll need a pistol for protection, especially if you're female or old. I made the...
So with the evils' vision of getting rid of ALL currency & creating their one world toxic digital currency so they can control every human on the...
This is a zip file. www.indianapolisunderground.com%2FDownload%2FSHTF-How-to-Videos.zip Hot To Tie Knots.m4v How to use a Miter Saw.mp4...
I recently came across this article that outlines some of the concerns of the rich (REALLY rich) when if comes to their preparations for the...
Thanks in advance. :)
Introduction People living an urban life may have got used to state and civil services taking care of many of their day to day needs. Garbage...
You can have enough food to ride out 15 years of Armageddon. You can have a fully stocked retreat or a bunker. You can have so much ammo stashed...
so if the SHTF big time what would you need to get by? What do you have to trade with? What could you stock pile for barter? Thought it might be...
Behold, rocket scientist scrambled eggs, shame its this mans only video, i LOLLED my head off, he explains the science behind it too. This means...
This one looks well worth sharing. I have a couple of water filters good for 78,000 gallons between them, and just assumed I'd have to figure out a...
Chances are if TSHTF, we might not have a chance to go fishing, but a lucky few may undoubtedly find themselves wishing they knew more about it -- ...
All I know is that there is a construct called Faraday's cage
I came across these real life McGyver tips on Lifehacker.com and thought they might come in handy. They also might help to get some into the mindset...
Made this a few years ago just for ****s and giggles, being a mechanical engineer who was in a poor headspace at the time, and just wanted to do...
Hi all I thought some of you may be interested in a small, light simple to use and refill stove I picked up from ebay. I would just like to state...
Hi Guys, I found this nifty little off the grid stove called "biolite" that uses twigs as fire. The neat thing about is that it also generates 1 watt...
I got one of these and have cooked full course meals with bark, twigs, and sticks....they work great! A great tool to have, "JUST IN CASE!" ...
------- Hi, All: I came across this very ingenious idea here: http://m.gizmag.com/article/24204 Australian houseboat builder Matt Duncan...
Hi all I have written a small survival guide for a friend, thought it might be of use to you guys and gals, it is a very basic guide so dont...
A new add is out for for a show entitled, 'Doomsday Preppers,' which will soon be airing on mainstream media. I always wonder why there are so many...
Hi all, I decided this year to be become more prepared... RPjGIheVi4w
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