Making dollars and sense of the latest developments in the money world.
Are Banks finally showing they are going bust? Alarming is the word. ·...
What's The Problem? Demystifying why we all need Bitcoin - Joe Bryan The quality of our money is the cause of all...
Mel Mattison has an unusually insightful view of the financial system. Mel K has just interviewed him for the first time and had her head popped....
Mod-edit: The first 13 posts below began their life on the thread Bitcoin, the war on cash, Clif High, and the NSA's long range plans, before I split...
. We have been hearing warnings of the dangers of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which could lead to total surveillance and control of all...
General question: Any advice on getting into Crypto currencies? Where to start? Trusted/Safe sites? Ledgers, where to hold them?
Part two provides a more basic solution to the theft of 99+ percent of the world's wealth and the tremendous world-wide financial suppression. ...
This is Part One of Three of my Solution to Money. It is my view of the solution to the incredible financial suppression we live under. A tiny...
A Excellent account explaining the rise of the Rothchild 'Bankster' family. The original corporation....Though probably not technically illegal alot...
Catherine Austin Fitts, interviewed on Tucker Carlson Wednesday 1 February 2023 "Central Bank Digital Currencies are not currencies. It's a...
$2.9 TRILLION Stock Market CRASH, August 2024 in 1 Day! What Next? CBDC? cotn3nkJOjk "I was told that the economy is 'great' by MSM and Woke...
Many analyst are expecting Silver to hit $50 per ounce before the end of the year. I recently added to the silver stack on hearing this news. Also...
$1 invested in 1988 would today be worth £44,000 in The Medallion Fund. It’s success stems from its data-driven, quantitative approach, advanced...
This is an interesting one…is this possible? One Woman...
We don't have a thread on this, and we need to — because it's all going to come crashing down. When and how, we don't know, but everything in the US...
This long post has four major parts: The NSA has been planning for money to "go electronic" for decades. The new global monetary system will be...
While consumers shop, U.S. descends into planned financial implosion that favors corporate elite Saturday, November 26, 2011 by Mike Adams, the...
CCP's Financial Misinformation Machine Spreads China Truths 37.6K subscribers May 4, 2024 (It's a big problem, though this snippet of news...
Anyone heard this is true? ...
From what I understand (and could be wrong), but... Apparently, Jeff Bezos, Leon Black, Mark Zuckerberg, Jamie Dimon and Walmart's Walton family...
Oh dear ... as my ToDo list grows like the national debt ... I've stumbled across an insightful book on our current financial situation, where it's...
So, Bill Gates has been revealed as the biggest private owner of farmland in the US, after buying up 242,000 acres in 18 states and now apparently...
The thread title here is also the title of Chris Martenson's new video, maybe an excellent place to begin taking a VERY close look at all this.
Here’s another recent Whitney Webb gem, only 10 min long, discussing a potential imminent take down of the current financial system (banks) and the...
Busting the Scammers - The World Wide Investigation | 7NEWS Spotlight 94,169 views Jun 16, 2022 2.6K 7NEWS Spotlight 646K subscribers ( $41...
Hello everyone, In a few months time. I personally have gone through 2 banks having the data of their costumers hacked. Risks are identity...
Fascinating and worrisome discussion about Effective Altruism (EA)(starts around the 50 minute mark). According to the folks on this pod-cast, it is...
. I have been and remain convinced that a major way that the elite bastards manipulate humanity is to drive us into debt, and then collapse the...
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