. Hello, All: Not well reported in the mainstream media is a steady stream of freakish, alarming weather events all over the globe. This isn't a...
When we hear the term "Climate Change" we can make a pretty solid bet that this term is simply the latest PC way to say "Global Warming." Yet most...
From https://cuencahighlife.com/countrys-largest-waterfall-stops-flowing-after-sink-hole-opens-under-river-bed Ecuador’s largest waterfall stops...
Brace yourselves, 'Climate Lockdowns' are Coming (Agenda2030) gD9JulHePh8 International Mass Propaganda & Conditioning will only increase, see...
Website: Climate The Movie Highly recommended :muscle: Following on from his 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle Martin Durkin...
Because of my work (carpentry and coach), I pay close attention to the weather. Weather.com is my homepage and I check radar frequently almost every...
Set to blow? Supervolcano Campi Flegrei reawakening near Naples, could hit 500,000 people Published time: 21 Dec, 2016 14:43 Edited...
https://x.com/StvincentGren/status/1808263654816575642 1808263654816575642 https://x.com/Xx17965797N/status/1808182856897671241 ...
2023 09 15 FEMA,-DEWS---KILL-CITIES----Deb-Tavares--Part-1 Stopthe Crime ...
This is a very interesting and informatively well put together piece dealing with health and environmental concerns in relation to man-made activity,...
This was shot is - um cant remember now, michigan i think. Weird spiral funnel towards the middle of the footage.
Moments ago at approximately 18.30 local time, Mt. Etna blew it's top < http://www.sat24.com/it .
Has anyone else noticed this? Is this caused by some sort of freak weather (or other) phenomena or just a sign of the changing times...? Over the...
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/24/record-levels-of-plastic-discovered-in-arctic-sea-ice Scientists have found a record...
https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-6.18,45.02,479 Screen Shot Just Now:
There has been almost no media coverage of this major disaster in either mainstream or alternate media. The whole thing is odd. Otis went from being...
This content has been removed by the writer.
So I lived in Vegas from 1980-84, the water was the highest ever back then , but to look at it now, can't believe it. I use to canoe and camp in the...
Hi Friends, This is from South Africa. https://twitter.com/i/status/1703541515732045953 A_CvUJANMxc loqahb9McEM
The cars around here (West Midlands U.K. ) are covered in dust .M.s.m. is saying it's Saharan dust ...
Not sure this has been covered… what’s caused this.. 🤷♂️ Pray for the less fortunate Summary More than 2,000 people are reported dead in...
------- Hi, All: I created this thread title with a genuine question. No wonder climate change experts are arguing. I welcome research,...
It looks like this thing could cover over half of California. The last hurricane that got near this state but didn't make landfall was in 1858....
Excessive heat and low rainfall are drying up rivers in Europe. France's Loire River is at a record low. MRMBB333: 3:09 James Rink Book(s) &...
Fires in Europe, don't you talk about it?, in Greece, Algeria, in southern Italy, Tunisia and even in France, in my blog I talked about Greece,...
------- Dear All, This may be a must-see video. From the YouTube text:
this mthod was used to put oit giant fires it involves pyrotechnics the fire area in bombed with explosives using up all oxygen and the fire goes...
Canadian report reluctantly admits that 'green' energy is a disastrous flop Peter Foster Financial Post Thu, 22...
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