News from the stars, planets, comets, nebulae, star clusters and galaxies and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere as well as the study of the Universe in its totality as it is now and by extension humanity's place in it.
I am reposting here what I posted in a thread about blue kachina. From my point of view what Wallace and David are onto is really, really important. ...
The date for Armageddon has been set, and it's not going to happen in 2012. In 2004, NASA scientists announced that there was a chance that...
The Power Of The James Webb Telescope in Space To Be Launched in 2021: U4BCk8OdHSA Primary Mirror Size Comparison Between Webb and Hubble: ...
Analyzing Video Footage Of Collapse of Massive Arecibo Telescope (12:56 min.) "The collapse was on Tuesday morning, but yesterday the NSF made...
Major Solar Flare (X9) October 3, 2024 @ 13:50 UTC (UPDATED) A major X9.0 solar flare was just detected around Earth facing sunspot region 3842 at...
NASA space data supports citizens' observations: Meteor fireballs are increasing exponentially Dr. M.A. Rose...
Space enthusiasts who have spent the past few days admiring the stunning images of Martian landscapes beamed from NASA's Curiosity would have been...
READY FOR A BIG BANG OF A DIFFERENT COLOR? An Avalon poster made a nice thread today about the Grand Canyon:...
Stellar Explosion T Corona Borealis Visible to the Naked Eye in Weeks: uVYpfAgup0Q Get ready for an extraordinary event as T Corona Borealis...
What If We Are All Living In An Alien Simulation Made In An Older Universe I had a very strange “brainwave” yesterday ... thinking / pondering...
illy Carson unveils the thousands of years old secret of our existence, one that mankind has been trying to decipher for millennia. This is not just...
14 things everyone needs to know about the Great American Eclipse of 2024 We're just over three months away from what many believe will be the most...
Is Earth's Magnetic Field Flipping? Study Discovers Important Data: E8sGoEsP0rk
The Star That Shouldn't Exist: maMDGZOD3mI 0:00 A Peculiar Star 2:39 Spectroscopic Strangeness 5:25 It Gets Weirder 5:50 LMNT 7:15 Impossible...
Please click on this image now: My post is about Near Earth Objects, but there is a connection with symbols, and especially symbols used by...
Astronomers are now certain that the mysterious object detected hurtling past our sun last month is indeed from another solar system. They have named...
(apologies if already covered elsewhere on the forum.) BA-2GXHiHQA More HERE:...
(The green grid lines "gravity" looks to me like galaxies jumping up and down on a trampoline...) (Read more at above link)
I'd like to try a different approach in this area. For one, there are so, so many threads created, this sub-forum is extra boggy and difficult....
Biggest Scientific Search for Aliens Breakthrough Listen Project 2023-2024: 2RQWiJ0x_R4 Biosignatures & Technosignatures 00:00 -...
I knew this would happen. Just not how. The idea is just posts of things that lack much development, are not really worth a stand-alone thread,...
Supposed to mfly between Earth and the moon:
Saturn's moon Rhea may have a breathable atmosphere - I find myself asking if these discoveries of "hospitable" conditions in our...
I Think Faster Than Light Travel is Possible. Here's Why: 9-jIplX6Wjw 00:00 Intro 01:51 The Speed of Light as Limit 06:12 The Speed of...
Jupiter's Juno Mission flyby that almost takes my breath away! If you got spare times you can download the raw files and compose your very...
24 Aug 2015 - Cameras Delivered for NASA's OSIRIS-REx Mission as Launch Prep Continues The first U.S. mission to return samples of an asteroid to...
Very interesting discovery of possible evidence of life on another planet. UbINjt8n3x0
Space Telescope Euclid Just Opened Its Eyes: 0SOLoPxlXJA Euclid is a new space telescope that will explore the dark universe, which is made of...
Interesting video. Did you know the the Vatican has space viewing technology that rivals NASA? And that the Vatican named it's telescope Lucipher?...
Hey Avalonians, Just read this :
Michio Kaku Just Announced: James Webb Telescope FINALLY PROVED Big Bang WRONG! Future Space 91.5K subscribers 423,210 views Apr 21, 2023 ...
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