Looking thru my pictures that I haven't looked thru in a while.
I can see that when my son digitized over 7,000 pictures that he didn't put them back in the small albums, plastic picture holders,...
Type: Posts; User: Hym; Keyword(s):
Looking thru my pictures that I haven't looked thru in a while.
I can see that when my son digitized over 7,000 pictures that he didn't put them back in the small albums, plastic picture holders,...
Yes, those who I talked with the day before, on Saturday, when we were practicing the songs and Sunday when we were denied the time to sing, for sure had been thru the explosions on those two days in...
Mashika, you are expressing what I see all of the time. I saw this when I was very young and my perception of how people view life and how experience alone changes them over decades of living has not...
We as a species, just as most living things, are adaptogens of the highest order. The survival, the mere existence of humans is based upon adaptability.
For me this is much more about the...