your a deep and sincere thinker M. but rest needed. another day to muse over all.
but think on this, i heard it said, if you took all the money from everyone all over the world and...
Type: Posts; User: thepainterdoug; Keyword(s):
your a deep and sincere thinker M. but rest needed. another day to muse over all.
but think on this, i heard it said, if you took all the money from everyone all over the world and...
no matter how many iterations, how many genetic alterations, humans are still a creature whos ego runs the show, who is hypocritical and a scammer and liar, and also a loving sincere being. wow...
hi mashika and i love your thinking and questions. i havent watch the video yet but will
but im not sure what a human is in the firstplace? what is the definition of a human prior to any...