
Type: Posts; User: ExomatrixTV; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Gary McKinnon - NASA & Military Secret Files - Richplanet TV

    This Man Hacked NASA and Exposed A Massive UFO Cover-Up!

    Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named 'Solar Warden' has been in operation unknown to the public...
  2. Re: Gary McKinnon - NASA & Military Secret Files - Richplanet TV

    Gary McKinnon 2017 MUFON Symposium:


    Gary McKinnon with Ickonic Media and 'M' at the Com-Cast festival in Kegworth, January 2023:

  3. Re: Gary McKinnon - NASA & Military Secret Files - Richplanet TV

    Having problems with link ![/QUOTE]

    Works fine here ... I use Windows 10 Po 64bit 4Ghz PC & Firefox Browser ... it may not work when using smart(death)phones

  4. Re: Gary McKinnon - NASA & Military Secret Files - Richplanet TV

    Saving Gary McKinnon : a mother's story
Results 1 to 4 of 4