Something sweet for you, Foxie Loxie. :heart:
Type: Posts; User: RunningDeer; Keyword(s):
Something sweet for you, Foxie Loxie. :heart:
Informative and relaxing to watch
all the way through to the rain water
harvesting system. Thanks, Joe.
Permaculture Garden Harvest...
Hi Joe, I left a comment under the video and your email address only because you passed it along to your audience...[/QUOTE]
Joe, in case you didn’t catch Peter Petersen’s response from your...
Speaking of diatomaceous earth, i.e. in video above, I use SilaLive. It detoxes the body of harmful pollutants.
Product description:
Human-Grade D.E. (SILICA) is known for its superior...
Hi Joe, I left a comment under the video and your email address only because you passed it along to your audience:
It appears that Peter Petersen's account isn't set up to receive emails. Maybe...
I’m still listening to the Ben and Jerry’s video. (I download your vids.) I eat mostly a clean diet with the exception of Ben & Jerry’s every now and again. This may be the news that helps me stop.
“A veg plot in a pot.” It's not genetically modified, rather individually and carefully hand grafted.
TomTato plant grows both tomatoes and potatoes. Ben Coxworth October 1, 2013. The TomTato...
Joe, if you need instruction on how to start a thread check out post #25. If you have any questions, you know how to contact me.
You don’t need a YouTube account to subscribe to Joe from...