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  1. Re: Hillary Clinton will be the Deep State Candidate for 2020?


    "So I focus on concrete indicators"

    I try to do the same thing; but so far we don't have much, do we?; we both/all know the MSM isn't the answer; not even most of the alternative media...
  2. Re: Hillary Clinton will be the Deep State Candidate for 2020?

    @Helene West

    actually I would tend to agree with you (but I still have hope) - but where does that leave us?- if there have been no arrests (let's hope there have been) and the New World Orderists...
  3. Re: Hillary Clinton will be the Deep State Candidate for 2020?

    if my read sources are correct (and they always stand to correction) that 'Hitlary' Clinton is a very ill person (look at her collapse at the 9/11 memorial service- or was that staged?) and might've...
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