
Type: Posts; User: TrumanCash; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Where's your proof that the unnatural formations in the sky that these trails make that have been solidly and worldly documented for way over 10+ years are totally natural, benign and harmless?
  2. Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    What is also interesting about the biological attack on Marijah McCain is the apparent intentional targeting of Marijah's and her son's genetics. She is a descendant of Red Cloud, so it appears that...
  3. Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Here is Chuck Norris' article on chemtrails, "Sky Criminals":

    Here is Merle Haggard's song that Chuck Norris mentioned in his article:

  4. Re: Stop Spraying Us - Stop GeoEngineering aka Chemtrails!

    Certainly one of the most credible researchers is Clifford Carnicom who has been collecting chemtrail fall out for years:

    So has naturopath/herbalist Dr Marijah...
Results 1 to 4 of 4