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  1. Re: Retired FBI Chief : "Four million practicing satanists in the United States"

    Thank you for looking into this at the moment.
    This stuff is important.
    Now more than ever all media mouth pieces are controlled via satanic pedophile demanded incrimination and black mail....
  2. Re: Retired FBI Chief : "Four million practicing satanists in the United States"

    Here's the briefest of videos about the West Memphis three, an interview with Depp about why he got involved. I'm dredging up memories from a while ago, but the story of the West Memphis three was...
  3. Re: Retired FBI Chief : "Four million practicing satanists in the United States"

    Is this the same vid ?

    #PEDOGATE: HAMPSTEAD UNCOVERED. Interview with SGTreport


    Published on 13 Apr 2017
    Initially published on Mar 20, 2017
  4. Re: Hampstead Coverup - Kids describe satanic rituals - Idenitical to worldwide reports

    I can't view this video. All I get is this message:
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