
Type: Posts; User: Jim_Duyer; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here....
  2. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    I was on the fence about abductions by aliens. Two things changed that for me. First is the fact that the PTB tried to trick me into publishing a book that had some false notions in it. Most of...
  3. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here....
  4. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    I'm in agreement with that Jim .... We have overwhelming evidence that the secret government /military are working with these ET's , helping with abductions , working with them in DUMB's .. See the...
  5. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    I was on the fence about abductions by aliens. Two things changed that for me. First is the fact that the PTB tried to trick me into publishing a book that had some false notions in it. Most of...
  6. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Interesting associations.
    Interesting that you mention Genesis. In the first sentence we see:
    In the beginning (et) God created the Heavens (et) and the earth (et), and
    this et,...
  7. Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Thank you for your kind comment. Although Sitchin worked in the later Akkadian language, we both seem to have investigated the "traditional" translations - that seem to be quite different than what...
  8. The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian...
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