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  1. Re: Nibiru: What Sitchin did not tell us

    I don't have any knowledge of such ancient writing, but I think it has to be a given in some form. A civilization as advanced as the Atlanteans must have had a writing system.

    There are a few...
  2. Re: Nibiru: What Sitchin did not tell us

    The date Cayce gave was 28,000BC for the event known as Noah's flood. This was the second of three destructions to befall Atlantis, and is not (in my opinion) connected to other, later flooding...
  3. Re: Nibiru: What Sitchin did not tell us

    Where there is truth there is interference from those attempting to crush it or hide it. It's likely coming from the very same regressive source that's dogged humanity (and the truth) for millennia....
  4. Re: Nibiru: What Sitchin did not tell us

    Many thanks for the thoughtful reply, that's fascinating. Any possibility of posting the map here? If it does indeed depict Greenland without an ice-sheet, I'd surmise it's far older than 3700 BC.
  5. Re: Nibiru: What Sitchin did not tell us

    Scratching my head a little trying to, in a sense, tessellate this ancient origin-story with that which was provided by Cayce, being the Atlantean experience that ended some 12,000 years ago.
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