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  1. Re: Operation High Jump - UFOs, Nazis and Admiral Richard E. Byrd

    Ok sorry for that, i had never seen it before, thats why i posted it.
    So this isn’t the “green” spot in the middle of the Artic ?
    Ok, i have learned something today, check the story before...
  2. Re: Operation High Jump - UFOs, Nazis and Admiral Richard E. Byrd

    Yes thank you justntime2learn, but it starts at 6.30.
    Maybe it isn’t what you think it is, but i have never seen this before.

    And the part before, i mean that there is a bit of film with the...
  3. Re: Operation High Jump - UFOs, Nazis and Admiral Richard E. Byrd

    This is another video i found of Admiral Byrd, when he flew over antartica with actual footage of the green part of it in the middle of the artic
    Take a look
    Its different as the video above in...
Results 1 to 3 of 3