The video I posted above is really valuable. He also talks about biophotonics which IMO we need to learn about. Coherence and incoherence are much better polarities to me than Good/Evil. If we become...
Type: Posts; User: Delight; Keyword(s):
The video I posted above is really valuable. He also talks about biophotonics which IMO we need to learn about. Coherence and incoherence are much better polarities to me than Good/Evil. If we become...
Clif High is talking a lot about the Cathari and bumping this thread with what he said about his family lineage and the Cathar ethos.
I feel very alligned with what I know of the Cathars.The ethos...
Interesting connection of Cathars to the Tarot and the "journey" we all are making. Holding the knowledge and teaching of the Divine in plain sight.....
Cathars and Tarot
by Talk Gnosis
Several videos about the Cathars. I have decided that the Cathars have returned. Clif High mentioned the Cathars in his video this week.
Dr Zelenko does not mince words here. We are being told we must kneel before a great evil or die and it is now a time when we must choose. What if we MUST die to the OLD paradigm and transcend the...
Thankyou for introducing him to me.
I am listening to this seeming recent talk.
This was very interesting
This seems Gnostic and the world is seen as a simulation for learning
A series on gnostics
Already posted but included here for continuity
Enjoyed this very much. Plasma (a living light), pleroma and aeons....
I am pretty sure that duality must be resolved to unity at a larger context. However, I do not know why that seems so true? In thinking about what has been "done" under the name of unity, where it...
Immersing myself in what is written about the Cathars, I am thinking about the dualism core belief. There is a split between good and evil. In the genocide of the Chathars, according to GrahamHancock...
Here are a few hours of history
Graham Hancock 2017 - The Cathars LightWeavers of Languedoc Pt.1.mp4
Graham Hancock 2017 - The Cathars LightWeavers of Languedoc Pt.2.mp4
The Congres
in Saint-FélixLauragais
These are fascinating articles
Why are the Cathars important for now?
I read this and thought it has elements of what I find is said about the Cathars. A thread of light stretches Atlantis to Egypt and then...
I knew it !!!! :)
I'm too tired to write much more tonight but when I was about half way through the video about the Cathars + 700 year old prophesy that you posted on the other thread...
This is part of an article that demonstrates the scope of genocide of the Cathars.
I am really fascinated by all the comments and "connection" to the Cathars I see for instance posted below youtube videos about Cathars. I found a whole thread of people resonating with this idea of...
Jaybee posted
Thank you
I realized a while back that because much of modern medicine, practice and drugs - is based on the torture and suffering of millions - billions? of animals that...
This is strange but awesome. I was taken by the Cathars when I read a post on an unrelated thread So found this one and then when i went back to copy the original post to start more HERE... Bill had...