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  1. Re: The Cathars: Gnostic Catholic Opposition in the Middle Ages

    And, Many Thanks to you D-Light for posting all of the stories....!!!!!
    I see many connections, especially in my understanding of sacred languages.

    Since we have been studying and discovering the...
  2. Re: The Cathars: Gnostic Catholic Opposition in the Middle Ages


    Zoro, the hero who combated colonial oppression, and looked good doing it.

    That t.v. show was not a coincidence, as weren't the movies of the same name.

    Many things are hidden...
  3. Re: The Cathars: Gnostic Catholic Opposition in the Middle Ages

    Les, Mes Albigeois:

    Les catholiques, un culte très étrange et sombre. Les Cathares, ne sont pas restreints par beaucoup de dogmes.
    Je me souviens de la chanson "Dominique" comme un enfant, par...
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