And, Many Thanks to you D-Light for posting all of the stories....!!!!!
I see many connections, especially in my understanding of sacred languages.
Since we have been studying and discovering the...
Type: Posts; User: Hym; Keyword(s):
And, Many Thanks to you D-Light for posting all of the stories....!!!!!
I see many connections, especially in my understanding of sacred languages.
Since we have been studying and discovering the...
Zoro, the hero who combated colonial oppression, and looked good doing it.
That t.v. show was not a coincidence, as weren't the movies of the same name.
Many things are hidden...
Les, Mes Albigeois:
Les catholiques, un culte très étrange et sombre. Les Cathares, ne sont pas restreints par beaucoup de dogmes.
Je me souviens de la chanson "Dominique" comme un enfant, par...