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  1. Re: Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States

    Hi, Ewan, so sorry for the delay in replying, I am rather grappling these days with the state of the body.

    Ha! .....the old familiar adage, the journey of a thousand miles >> ( begins with...
  2. Re: Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States


    Bhramari Pranayam

    Close the eyes, relax the whole body, keep the teeth lightly parted and the mouth closed. To begin, take a deep breath in, exhale fully, and at the very bottom of...
  3. Re: Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States

    Hello, Bubu, you are welcome.

    I am assuming you are contrasting "the quantum pause" with the technique immediately above your post ( ie: plavini ), these are each indeed very different.

  4. Re: Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States


    Plavini Pranayam : The Breath that makes One Float

    A breath highly suited to those who wish to explore their own consciousness. For those ( potentially ) ready to lift up and out...
  5. Re: Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States

    This past year I started a project to remaster all the audio to yoga breathing practices I used to teach in class. These recordings were originally made back in roughly 2006-7, in Erich Schiffmann's...
  6. Breathing Patterns : The Breath and Altered States

    If it is alright I am going to walk slowly into this one.

    [ A bit of prologue ]

    As part of my spiritual disciplines, I began working more seriously with the breath roughly around the turn of...
Results 1 to 6 of 6