This is a perfect example of how to fake this with hidden batteries ... "or is it real?", think not!:
Type: Posts; User: ExomatrixTV; Keyword(s):
This is a perfect example of how to fake this with hidden batteries ... "or is it real?", think not!:
Permanent Magnet Motor Using Magnetic Cancellation
Free energy motor using magnetic cancellation. This is only a prototype of a free energy magnet motor for testing. The idea here...
Welcome to our Project Avalon Forum :Avalon:
Imagine if the "Lutec 1000 device" was 100% legit and "the powers that be" decided to bribe/coerce/threaten/blackmail the inventors to SABOTAGE their...
Can We Create FREE ENERGY Using Zero Point Energy?
Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is a concept derived from quantum mechanics. It refers to the...
This video has almost 1 million views, but is it a HOAX?
This video below has almost 6 million views, but is it a SCAM?
veseloiu quote:
Best Instructional Video HOW to Review "Free Energy Generators":
The above video may also "throw out the baby with the bathwater" on top of that it HELPS "neutrals" to have an excuse...
Free Energy Generator, John Christie & Ludwig Brits, Overunity Motor Generator
The John Christie Electric Generator was shown to the world in...
I have seen that video multiple times, multiple places in much higher quality
This version is with French 🇫🇷 Sub-Titles: