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  1. Re: Gigantic Unfinished Stone Structures: the Yangshan Quarry in China

    Good find indeed, thanks Bill! I am positive that a collective drive to research and unravel this process, perhaps by a well-funded university for example, could pretty quickly and officially...
  2. Re: Gigantic Unfinished Stone Structures: the Yangshan Quarry in China

    I'd never heard of this before, thanks Bill! I'm amazed to hear an account of this process taking place in modern times, and thrilled that this Tibetan technique so closely matches the scene in my...
  3. Re: Gigantic Unfinished Stone Structures: the Yangshan Quarry in China

    In strong agreement. As soon as I read 16,250 tons, I think I had to do a double take. Even in what I would term genuinely 'ancient' times, a block that large and that heavy would smash records, in...
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