The facts don't fit your opinion. The solar and lunar cycles are based on what one experiences, not because they're there.
And there are other opinions on what the REAL source of our cycles are.
Type: Posts; User: ozmirage; Keyword(s):
The facts don't fit your opinion. The solar and lunar cycles are based on what one experiences, not because they're there.
And there are other opinions on what the REAL source of our cycles are.
ON THE ISS - - - traveling at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes.
It turns out that while most systems in the human body are heavily affected during...
ON THE ISS - - - traveling at a speed of five miles per second, orbiting Earth about every 90 minutes.
It turns out that while most systems in the human body are heavily affected during...
Elon Musk funding space exploration = good
Focusing on a Mars colony = not as good
Establishing a means of inexpensive exploration of solar system = good
Establishing a lower cost launch into...