
Type: Posts; User: misbis; Keyword(s):

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  1. Sticky: Re: Regression sessions offered to Avalon Members and Guests

    I think,the main question is- who am I. For me,it is. But unfortunately, as much I tried, used all possible methods...the question still remain. Well,I have been heavy targeting, implanted,...
  2. Replies

    Re: Hypnotherapy: the Pros and Cons

    The way I see it, anything messing around with your "will" or your "control" just does not seem like a good idea. I have no concrete reason why, just going off intuition. Anything that makes you...
  3. Sticky: Re: Regression sessions offered to Avalon Members and Guests

    o, my mistake :-) Canadian English. Well, German can help little bit,but still,my brain has to be focus on the language
    Tell me,dear, can the language be a challenge for TRT ?
  4. Sticky: Re: Regression sessions offered to Avalon Members and Guests

    Sounds very,very intrigue, is always a but :-) I worry about the language barrier. I have a great challenges with american or british English...but Australian English? In 2 hours...without...
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