It is beginning to look like someone in the foreseeable future will be needed to add their name to the list of ‘men who saved the world’. They will need to find something special when you have a...
Type: Posts; User: araucaria; Keyword(s):
It is beginning to look like someone in the foreseeable future will be needed to add their name to the list of ‘men who saved the world’. They will need to find something special when you have a...
There would appear to be a third man belongs here: the American Leonard Perroots, whose secret 1989 report has just been declassified, according to Le Nouvel Observateur. Unfortunately the details...
Thank you Mashika (before the added section)
I don’t mind paying taxes for community benefits such as roads, schools, hospitals… I do object to paying when others with greater means do not. In...
This beautiful documentary inspired the following comment on another thread, on the subject of taming inhuman computers.
Not in any way to downplay the reluctant hero who ‘saved the world’,...
This beautiful documentary inspired the following comment on another thread, on the subject of taming inhuman computers.
Not in any way to downplay the reluctant hero who ‘saved the world’,...
From Daniel Ellsberg’s The Doomsday Machine:
Ellsberg, Daniel. The Doomsday Machine (pp. 215-217). Bloomsbury Publishing. Édition du Kindle.