excellent point! and way to deny them the right to impact our lives!
ALWAYS will they try to
NEVER do we HAVE to let them
that's just a FACT plain and simple
we CAN see what they intend
Type: Posts; User: iota; Keyword(s):
excellent point! and way to deny them the right to impact our lives!
ALWAYS will they try to
NEVER do we HAVE to let them
that's just a FACT plain and simple
we CAN see what they intend
Great information Vangelo!
very solid, important and accurate
this too is my understanding of what the plans are
and the implications of those plans
ok ... so did it strike anyone else odd how it is that MSM
(our number one enemy and deceiver of all things true and beneficial to humanity)
is breaking form and suddenly reporting the "gaffe"...
that is correct, i heartily agree!
at EVERY point in this and ALL other infringements we have been at CHOICE
the ones that remain standing?
do so ONLY because of continued support
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