I was going to write after Vangelo's post... it seem pretty much like "canned message".. but Eva2 stated that.. great!
This dudes at paypal or any large payment processor will only take personal if...
Type: Posts; User: palehorse; Keyword(s):
I was going to write after Vangelo's post... it seem pretty much like "canned message".. but Eva2 stated that.. great!
This dudes at paypal or any large payment processor will only take personal if...
Agree pretty much with what Vangelo wrote above, but hey it is not the end of the world. Like always if we decline their offers they won't get any sales, that is how it works.. but unfortunately most...
before someone say, Stripe works in the same fashion way of PayPal.. I don't think there is any alternative to it at all, unless it is 100% decentralized payment system.. but we know business can't...
I stopped using them few years back. I can survive without them, it means close to nothing to me.
If a merchant accepts PayPal but not credit cards or any local payment system, then find another...