Not yet, but if we keep thinking about it, something may come up. I remember someone who was crazy nazi like, back when i used to still live in Moscow, and when i spent some time in Crimea around...
Type: Posts; User: Mashika; Keyword(s):
Not yet, but if we keep thinking about it, something may come up. I remember someone who was crazy nazi like, back when i used to still live in Moscow, and when i spent some time in Crimea around...
Understood, but hear me out, what i see is this, people who were born "before" and people who were born "after" the bomb, seem, as far as i can see from all i have looked into so far, completely...
You need to talk to the real people who were there, honestly
We, the current generations, don't know of any fear of nuclear bombs, you may, or your parents, since you were raised on the cold war...
Would love to see those pictures <3
The people that think the bombing of Japan did not happen, are stupid. I personally know a couple people who are survivors of that event. It DID happen, and it was as worse as you can imagine, and...
A group of Jesuit Priests were 8 blocks ground zero, and not only survived but lived long healthy lives.
Thank you
It's just that i see something very odd, not only on her, but in general people of certain age, like they 'see' and describe a very different world than the one i see, it's like as if we...
Natural radiation exists, but it doesn't cause harm in the way artificial one, the one that breaks atoms apart by force. Have you seen pictures of the survivors of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or how their...
*Information that people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have liked to know in advance:/
If nuclear bombs were detonated in the atmosphere, doesn't that mean that every single person on this planet, at the time, was radiated and basically changed into something else than...