In the 16:40s she starts saying it was switched off.
On balance I'd probably disagree with that, but who knows?
Type: Posts; User: Hermoor; Keyword(s):
In the 16:40s she starts saying it was switched off.
On balance I'd probably disagree with that, but who knows?
Perhaps in view of the current turbulence it's also worth mentioning the relatively recent death of David Rockefeller.
He was at least the patriarch of a very influential family. There's always a...
At this time I'd like us to spare a thought for Aaron Russo.
My bulldustometer couldn't detect the slightest trace of bulldust about him. From the footage and interviews I saw of the man he seemed...
From the top down I guess it starts with the ineffable master of all creation.
From the bottom up I'm looking around and thinking "It's not me or my neighbour. Our anybody else in our street. Well...