It looks like the pink eye in the close up in the link I posted above
is actually photographic red eye.
Type: Posts; User: johnf; Keyword(s):
It looks like the pink eye in the close up in the link I posted above
is actually photographic red eye.
Here is more info. I do believe it is some kind of Albinism (according to this article).
Excellent pictures Bill. Thanks for sharing.[/QUOTE]
Nice find! That...
Hilarious thought. Seriously though to be albino in the hot african sun would be a health problem I think.
Perhaps spending lots of time in the murky waters would be beneficial. It looks like they...
That would be an interesting thing to know more about.
There are different types, and degrees of albinism. Mammals show it differently than say reptiles, or birds.
It looks like the irises are...